Finance Committee Notes:


Those in attendance: Laverne Butler (DC), Emily Citkowski (DC), Jody Haug (WA), Paul Culley (NY), Doug Malkan (CO), Brent McMillan (DC), Jake Schneider (WI)

Facilitator: Jake

Notetaker: Brent

Approval of Meeting Minutes from January 1st Meeting with revision. Emily will work out the wording and send.

1. Database and Income reporting systems Update – Doug: Emily has taken the initiative on this. We are now recording the specific source of income. Emily is sorting checks as they come in to specific categories. Emily is also taking similar action on the DIA side. Deposit reports look great broken down like this. Emily: Did a check in with David recently. He will have the work done by the weekend. State Sharing with DIA will probably be fixed soon. Emily will be adding additional committees and Caucuses to the pull down menu. She would like to setup another Web planning meeting soon.

2. Just Coffee – Emily got the phone #’s from Just Coffee for the Co-ops and left messages.

3. Green Party of Connecticut Large Donation Question – Jake said that a source left the Green Party of CT some money in their estate, approximately 12K. The CT State Ethics and Elections Board have said to the Party that they cannot receive the money. They would like to send to GPUS and then to CT. Doug: There is no FEC limit that we can give to a state. Bob Eaton is the Green Party of CT Treasurer. Bob is asking for this money to be sent to GPUS and then be sent to the Green Party of CT. He wants to know if GPUS will require a percentage in order to do this. The Fin Com decided to respond to Bob with a statement to the effect that, “We appreciate the gesture but we don’t require anything to do this although we would certainly appreciate any donation that you decide is appropriate.”

4. 2005 Budget Committee, Caucus & Network Tier 1 Proposals – Jake asked for support to move forward with a request for submittals. 

At this point the committee chose to open into a discussion before returning to the agenda:

Laverne: Are we solid as far as questions of sharing are concerned?

Emily: We are not doing administrative costs.

Laverne: What percentage goes in sustainers? …sharing with Caucuses, Committees and Networks?

Doug: When we do a direct mail piece with states it is usually 75/25. There was an exception made for California, 50/50.

Emily: I appreciate that we should continue to do this, 50/50 minus overhead. We have started the online system of sharing. Should I stop? 

Jake: What about direct mail, sustainers and the proposed Green Party Card?

Doug: Events are different than direct mail. We do 50/50 because the states are more involved.

Jake than proposed that we table this discussion and add as a new Agenda Item.

Doug: David is working on income reporting. Is he also working on caucuses?

Emily: We talked about it. What we came up with was a drop down box. It didn’t sound very difficult to do. 

Doug: Call me tomorrow. Let’s be clear on what kind of a report that we are working towards.

The Committee decided that Emily should keep the online system up for now and that we would revisit this in next Monday’s Call. 

We returned to agenda item 4. The Committee approved moving forward with Jakes request. Jake will send a draft of the request to the listserv for vetting before sending. The Committee will also go to the SC and recommend moving forward with Tier 1 funding . Jake will put out the proposal to the lists (affairs/votes). It will include a suggestion for format of the proposals to include: timing, amounts and details. Jody asked that we suggest to the committees that they could put out a partial proposal if they wanted. 

5. Strategic Planning Committee Update - Brent sent Jeff Turners name to Greg Gerritt as the Fin Com’s nominee for the Strategic Planning Working Group.

6. Fin Com List serve Update - Jake: Please respond to the request that was sent out.

Jake: There was an error on last weeks report. Laverne caught it. Rather than $1,200 + available it is $200 +.

The Fin Com Meeting concluded.