Finance Committee Notes:

Monday Feb 28 7:30- 8:30 PM EST

Note taker:Doug

Approval of minutes of Feb 21 meeting - change vote for from 3 weeks to 1 week.

1. Database and Income reporting systems Update - postponed unit Emily gets back from vacation.

2. Online Fundraising and Outreach Coordinator position(draft) e-mail posted by Marc on Feb 21 3:42 PM . Please read by next Monday's meeting. We will discuss on next call.

3. State Sharing with RI problem update- Doug asks if we should invest some funds in legal investigation with giving to states or opening PACs. Brent suggests this could go to our legal committee. We may not have anyone familiar with RI. Most of our legal committee is in IL ID, WA and CA. We have asked RI to find a RI attorney. RI may find an attorney to advise them and us. We could investigate PACs so states could open their own when they need to. We have had problems with states accepting money from the national party in AZ, MO and RI. But we do not have funds to do much legal work.

Doug sent a .pdf to the fincom list of the letter RI received from their state telling them they cant accept money from USGP. We are interested in the state taking responsibility for any PAC opened in the a state. USGP can not take on the responsibly for PACs in every state, however the state should have the incentive to take this on. Proposal: Doug and Jake will talk to RI co-chair further about them being able to get legal help on this issue from a RI state law perspective or opening a PAC. This is an exploratory proposal.

4. 2005 Budget Committee, Caucus & Network Tier 1 Proposals- Tier 1 moneys of $8,700 is currently being discussed and voted on by the national committee. However Committee, Caucus & Network can bring their proposals to fincom now if they wish and we will discuss and possibly approve their proposals now. But the national committee must approve the funds before funds are distributed.

5. GPUS Sharing Policy with Committees, Caucuses and Networks Update - Discussion. Sharing options are up on the web page now. Last call we decided that donations from stand alone pages could be 100% and donations from main pages or GPUS site would be 50% Still questions about sustainers and sharing or non-sharing with GPUS. Discussion to carry forward to next call.

Marc sent fincom the following questions: Question 1: Do we want to allow caucuses or committees to solicit sustaining donations through the pages which would not be shared withthe GPUS general fund?

2) We have set up a feature on the main donation page for donors to choose to share their donation with either their caucus or state.

Question 2: Do we want to include networks and committees on this page. (Personal note - I recommend no on committees, as this will get confusing for donors and make for a very long drop-down list)

3) The DIA working group is recommending hiring a coordinator for our online programs. In the meantime, we are hoping Keven, our Webmaster, will be able to direct additional hours towards beginning this work and further defining it for the occupant of the new position.

Question 3: Will the Finance Committee authorize additional monthly hours, not to exceed an additional $500 in billing per month, for our webmaster to begin doing this work?

Respectfully Submitted,
Doug Malkan
