FinCom conference call 21 March 05
 On call: Jake, Brent, Emily, Jody, Paul, Jo, Doug, Marc
 Jo facilitate, Jody notes
 7 March call notes approved
 1. Database and Income reporting systems update - David still working on system revamp, slower going now that winter break is over; March 31 end of quarter so need to get state/caucus sharing system done by then

 2. Online Fundraising and Outreach Coordinator position update - job description work continues

 3. State Sharing with RI problem Update - RI opening PAC (first state to do so), Doug will keep in touch

 4. 2005 Budget Committee, Caucus & Network Tier 1 Proposals Update -  a. Media request entirely for administrative work; concern from Jo that  they  may need some funds for copying, etc.  b. one-time allocation not monthly  c. no commitment re: income from Greensweek going to Media Committee  d. proposal: FinCom recommends that the Tier 1 requests from Media (with  the conditions above), NWC, and Platform be forwarded to the Sc for  approval.

5. GPUS Sharing Policy with Committess, Caucuses and Networks Update -  giving donors an online option for donating without a credit card -  technical question basically, Marc and Emily will work on pledge notice  system

 6. Merchandise question from LaVerne/Treasurer Black Caucus -  a. LaVerne not on call, notes on 7 March covers, resume next call  b. Merchandise Committee needs process for evaluating merchandise - Jake  will contact