Finance Committee Minutes

Monday, April 25, 2005

Present: LaVerne Butler (DC), Emily Citkowski (DC), Brent McMillan (DC), Doug Malkan (CO), Jake Schneider (WI), Marc Sanson (IL)

Facilitator: LaVerne Butler

Notes: Emily Citkowski

1. Approved April 18th Minutes.

2. Database: Talked about “state of the database” and whether to keep it on as permanent agenda item. The database will always be a “work in progress” as our party grows, but we need to more people to work on it, and document the structure.

3. On-Line Fundraising and Outreach Coordinator Position: The description was sent to Personnel Committee and then Posted to the CC List on Friday. The position will be posted on the website on Tues.

4. 2005 Budget Committee, Caucus & Network Tier 2 Proposal: IC Asks for release of Tier 2 Funding in order to attend Global Greens meeting. CCC requests Tier 2 matching funds for Aimee Allison’s campaign. Both approved.

5. Donor Pledge System: Probably something we need to create new code for, don’t think our current proprietary software is set up for this.

6. ANMC SC/Staff Travel Decision: SC voted to include travel and accommodations in the ANMC budget.

7. Adding Members to FinCom: Member from IL wants to join FinCom. Jake will send him info to join subscription list so that the person can participate while being vetted. Discussed new FinCom Bylaws and vetting process. Jake will send email to everyone on list, asking about their level of participation and letting them know if they are not vetted, if they do not respond by Sunday, on Monday we will put list of active FinCom members together and will forward to SC who will in turn forward to CC for discussion and approval.

8. Funding Request for Strategic Plan Working Group: The SPWG putting out nat’l survey set to launch on May 8th. If by April 28th the Codeweavers cannot create a program by then, we will go with “Survey Monkey” for $500. $200 printing cost for presenting the results of survey at national meeting. Approved up to $700 for this.