Finance Committee Minutes

Monday May 16 7:30 - 8:30 pm EST
Call in number: Phone 1-641- 985-1000 Access code 821568#
Present: Doug, Emily, Jo, Jake, Jody, Brent

1. Facilitator Jo -- note taker Doug
2. Approval of notes May 9 meeting taken by Jody
3. Self introduction of all on the call for the note taker - none
4. Agenda adjustments - none
5. Intern Stipend Proposal - Emily, Posted 5/15 to Fin Com and SC by Jake.

Discussion to consider offering a stipend of $200 per month for the term of three months (June, July, and August) to two of our current interns. Total of $1,200. Consensus to take this forward to the SC.

6. Database and income reporting systems - Emily. David Spitzley and Emily are talking on Sunday to resolve two issues with the db. Rob Tufts from Maryland is working on the committee and caucus sharing part of the db.

Steve Greenfield question regarding the definition of "personal solicitations" - Emily: donations from conversations with a donor are recorded as "personal solicitations."

. Becky Weber question regarding GreenPages " Income and expense reporting" Emily: subscriptions to green pages are recorded as GreenPages. Bundle orders however get recorded as general Merchandise. This is because of the DIA software we use. We need a shopping cart to correct the bundle orders and Code Weavers might work on it in the future. Coupon from GreenPages will get recorded as GreenPages unless it is for a green party card. Maybe we could report subscription numbers monthly instead of financial numbers to the GreenPages committee.

7. Online fundraising and outreach coordinator position update - Emily: we received 4 applications for the position. Within the next week we will get back to the applicants. Lets hire for fundraising asst. position first. Jake want to do this quickly . Also Emily will go over the job duties with applicants one more time to make sure they know what the duties are and  a decision by the end of the month. Decision is being made by a sub-committee  comprised of the Co-Chair of Fincom, Co-Chair of Personnel, Emily and Brent.

8. 2005 Budget Committee, Caucus & Network Tier Proposals - Jody: Tier 2 was approved the National committee. 38 states voted for it for a 68% approval.

. Discussion for funding additional listserves from Mike Feinstein posted

5/10 by Jody. The Ballot Access site is on Yahoo and they want Cameron to create a listserve instead. Mike feels that Cameron should get paid if he does work. Cameron runs the server for the party and host some of the listserves but does not host all our listserves, those are on Pair and we pay for Pair. Fincom is not sure which listserves are hosted by whom. Also, Jo says CA does pay Cameron a monthly amount of about $100. Last year Jo says CA paid Cameron $1,100. Discussion to continue next meeting.

9. 2005 Annual Meeting Budget Update -Revised budget spreadsheet posted 5/15 by Jake. Budget is based on attendance of 200 people. Jo thinks rally should be a fundraising event and not in the budget. Doug will rework the spreadsheet to make it a little more readable. We are shooting for the SC to approve the budget this Friday night and then get it to the National Committee.

10. Fin Com Membership Update- Jake: tabled till next week.

11. Brent - Facilitation and Note taker - Jody for next meeting.

Respectfully Submitted,
Doug Malkan