Draft Minutes

Finance Committee Monday June 6 7:30 - 8:30 pm EST

Facilitator Jake note taker Jeff timer Jake

Minutes of May 23 2005 meeting twinkle - twinkle - Approved

On the call : Jody Jeff Jake Brent Emily Jo Laverne

2005 Annual Meeting Budget-Jody/Jake/Marc discussion of questions on the lists - Jody will see that they are answered  discussion of waiving of registration fees for presenters - only available from diversity committee allottment of 15 waivers

Finance Committee Membership Proposals- Jake/Marc/Jo  prop #141 adopted but SC is concerned there were ambiguities about the issue. Marc has prepared a new proposal  to be voted upon to clarify this matter. 

Database and income reporting systems - Doug/Jeff/Emily  David is still working on the database. Emily has scheduled a call with him tomorrow 

Online fundraising and outreach coordinator position update - Marc/Jake/Emily  Interviewed three applicants last week. Two are stellar -committee hasn't decided yet. Decision to be made mid-week.  Brent reported that Morgan D'Arc has been hired for the Asst Fundraising Coordinator position.

2005 Budget Committee, Caucus & Network Tier Proposals - Jake/Jody  None

Discussion on funding additional listserves We are maxed out on available space for list serves. Brent is asking Cameron for information on additional capacity. He will ask Susan Dridi and others as well. 

It was mentioned that the communication committee is not functioning. Discussion moved on to issue of considering a position of IT coordinator. It was suggested that we need to inventory what we have and what we need to create for efficient management of information. Brent suggested that we document where we have been, where we are, and where we intend to go. This matter has been put on the agenda for the next meeting. Emily, Brent, and Jeff will take the lead.

It was decided that the issue of a fincom workshop and/or a committee meeting be put on next week's agenda
Note taker for next meeting : Emily
Facilitator for next meeting: Jo

Respectfully submitted, Jeff