Fin Com Notes

Jody, Jo, Doug, Brent, Emily, Jake, Jeff, Marc, LaVerne
Facilitator: Jo
Notes: Emily

Approval of notes June 6 meeting
Approved by committee.

Agenda adjustments
Items added by Jody and Jeff

2005 Annual Meeting Budget- Marc
Budget passed.

2005 Annual Meeting Workshop &/or Fin Com meeting- Jake
Workshop and Meeting

Jeff: 2006 Budget Process

Marc: Work with committees and states on how to develop a budget

Roundtable for Treasurers

Jody: Format written handout and sales pitch for joining committee.

Need all three. Need to decide who will do sales pitch.

Finance Committee Membership Proposals- Jake/Marc/Jo
Jake: Marc did great job presenting the membership proposal. Will need to go through this process after Tulsa.

Marc: Looks like it will pass, voting ends at midnight.

Database and income reporting systems - Doug/Jeff/Emily
David Spitzley is revamping the database planned for Mid-August. Will use the database in “beta test” for the rest of the year.

Errant Deposits -Jeff

Need to deal with Amex, Emily and Jake will keep working on it.

Online fundraising and outreach coordinator position update - Marc/Jake/Emily
The hiring committee is still negotiating with candidates.

2005 Budget Committee, Caucus & Network Tier Proposals - Jake/Jo

Funding additional listserves - Emily/Brent/Jeff
Brent has list of listservs and who administers them.

Still need to start discussion of “inventory”

Sending list of listservs to “Ad-hoc Committee”: Marc, Susan, Cameron, Kevin, Steve H, Brent, Emily.

Look into possibility of buying more space on PAIR. Brent asking Cameron if he can find any “abandoned” listservs. Total number of listservs we have, and what percentage are abandoned.

10. Employee Delegate Status -Jody

Decided it is an SC topic, for now. Jody will put on SC meeting agenda.

Facilitation and Note taker for next meeting: Jake facilitating, Doug notes.