Conference call notes 1 August 2005

On call: Jake, Brent, Jody, Marc, Jeff, LaVerne

Facilitator - Jake; Notes - Jody; Timer - Jake

Laverne has resigned from Black Caucus and now represents only the DC Statehood Greens on the FinCom.

Marc Sanson, new co-chair, needs paperwork for signing checks.

Annual Meeting wrap-up: Each person on call reported. Some good suggestions from break-out sessions need to be followed up on. Not many new members for FinCom or other committees. Budget for 2006 of major importance, needs transparency without getting too embroiled. Financial/budget help needed for states; state party fundraising panel well attended. The South seems to be getting it together. Response to Strategic Plan WG positive, mandate for paid staff, office, state support. Need notes for things for FinCom to do from Brent, Jeff, Laverne, and Doug.

DB and income reporting: Doug and Emily for the most part

2005 Budget Committee Tier Proposals: none now 

CCC year to date: Jake to assemble and send to Brent

Funding additional listservs update: Info needed, Brent will search out 2006 Budget process: Marc and Jeff will start working.

Next FinCom call 15 August, every two weeks, can do before SC calls if weekly needed

Next meeting: Marc facilitate, Doug notes, Jake time