Fin Com Agenda Monday August 15 7:30 - 8:30 PM

Call in number: Phone 1-641- 985-1000 Access code 821568#

Present: Marc, Jake, Doug, Emily, Brent, GPUS, Jeff, observing: Judith

1. Facilitator Marc, note taker Doug, timer Jake
2. Approval of notes Aug 1 meeting
3. Self introduction of all on the call- Judith Grant, CA is new on FinCom, also a member of Merch com, Lavandar caucus-treasurer. Needs to be vetted by her state.
4. Agenda adjustments- numbers 11,12,13
5. Request for special website button for PAX actions - Emily: has been created.
6. Database and income reporting systems Update - Emily: David is working on the revised db.
7. 2005 Budget Committee, Caucus & Network Tier Proposals - Jake: no current proposals.
8. 2006 Budget Preparation - Marc: Proposed timetable posted to Fin Com 8/8 by Jeff. Later tonight Marc will post proposed form for committees. Decided to meet every other week with conference call. Next Monday is  the next call.
9. Funding additional list serves update - Brent: Cameron administers listserves. Jeff: can states use listserves? We should refer this to Communications committee and Steering Com and also the codeweavers.
10. Next Fin Com call - date, facilitator and Note taker
11. Corp sponsorship of speakers - Doug: Maureen Barlock from Indiana wants to set up a speakers bureau with speakers funded by corporations via a stipend or payment of expenses. Money would not pass through the party but payment would be made directly to speakers. Speakers would represent the Green Party. On the one hand this could be considered a state issue, on the other hand the state is affiliated with the national party and not accepting corp contributions is a key principle of the party. Indiana has an affiliatio  agreement with the national party. We are also concerned about the appearance of this. Brent: proposal to make a formal statement advising them against it. Jake wants a formal proposal in writing from the state. Doug will contact the state and get the proposal in writing.
12. Sharing Donations with Speakers - Emily: Is sharing with committees 50/50 split with the national allowed on the website? If donation comes from committee page they can keep 100%.
13. Website Manager - request to the steering com for a raise. Expected monthly bill in the $520 to $600 range. SC is looking for recommendation from FinCom. Cost is about an extra $400 for 2005. Jeff and Jake would like to see this turned into a fixed amount with a checklist of duties.
14. Alabama Green Party financial aid request sent to fincom list by Jake. This is a state expense and this state like all the states needs to do more fundraising within the state. The national party does not have the money at present to fund state expenses. . Brent does not have extra time to work on fundraising outside of USGP. Jeff: idea to create a revolving loan fund. Jake will research the party's fiscal policies regarding loans. There should a clear fundraising plan approved by funcom for any loan proposal. This will be an agenda item for the next call.

Next meeting is two weeks from tonight Aug 29. Facilitator: Jake, note taker: Jody
Next budget call is one week from tonight Aug 22.

Respectfully Submitted,
Doug Malkan