Subject: GPUS Fin Com Agenda Monday August 29 7:30 - 8:30 PM

1. Facilitator Jake -- note taker Doug

2. notes Aug 15 meeting - not approved yet. Doug sent them out 8/15 at midnight EST. Emily got it but Jake and others said they didn't.

3. Self introduction of all on the call for the note taker. Judith Grant from CA is new. Treasurer of Lavender caucus, and on merchandise committee among others.

4. Agenda adjustments- Everyone

5. Database and income reporting systems Update - Emily: Office is using the new db design. Keeping a list of changes that need to be done. DB does not open outside of office however, call into David to fix this. Marc suggests that we try OpenOffice. Try goggle search.

Marc asks if we can set up 100% pass-thru to states on the GPUS website. Currently we have sharing with states at 50%. Concerns from Jake, Emily and Doug about not having the manpower for pass thrus for all the states. Doug suggests that we setup a system for states on their websites with money going into the state's bank account, then GPUS is taken out of the loop and does not have to manage the states' money. Marc asks about sharing with locals. Marc will write a proposal for next meeting.

6. 2005 Budget Committee, Caucus & Network Tier Proposals - Lavender Caucus budget sent to fincom Sun 8/28/2005 from Jake. No concerns, pass it on to SC. Creating Change Conference in Nov in Oakland, CA - Judith Grant. We have about $975 in the tier 2 total of $2k for this. We want to see approval from the chair/caucus. Judith will forward the minutes from the caucus.

7. 2006 Budget Preparation - Marc: still working on the form and revising the schedule. Marc and Jake will work to get it to the list this week. Decision to have fincom calls bi-weekly and cover 2006 budget at the beginning of the call. Therefore no meeting every other week.

8. Funding additional list serves update - Brent: Difficulty getting names on the CCC list changed over by Cameron. Going to outside source for this - probably Yahoo groups. Concerns about how Yahoo tracks people and info. There is also with no ads or tracking. Also concerns about having our lists on private servers with no service contract. We could also use a list of all our list serves with links on one webpage for easy access to all our lists. Suggested that Brent look at how the Sierra Club manages their lists. There is no communications committee to work on this so it is falling on fincom and/or Brent.

9. Revolving Loan Fund for state party fundraising program - Jake. AL brought this issue up in the last call. How can we start a program like this? FunCom would have to approve a plan for repayment. Jake and Doug to work on this.

10. Indiana Speakers Bureau - Doug: continued from last call. IL wants to have speakers accept corporate money to fund a speakers bureau. Speakers would represent the Green Party of IL. Doug states that IL is waiting for a response from national and we need to issue a reply soon, hopefully this week. Brent is concerned about the states' affiliation agreement and recommends that the states do not do this. Jake does not like this proposal as presented. Marc however thinks this sounds like a state issue. Co-Chairs Marc and Jake will discuss and work this issue on the fincom list and work toward giving a response from fincom to IL this week.

11. Next Fin Com call Sept 12, facilitator Marc and Note taker - Jody. NO fincom call next week on Sept. 5. We are meeting bi-monthly now.

Respectfully Submitted,
Doug Malkan