FinCom call notes - 12 Sept 05

On call: Jake, Marc, Judith, Jody, Brent, Doug, Emily, Jeff

Facilitator Marc, Notes Jody, Time Jake

Approved notes from Aug 15 and Aug 29 meetings

No new members needing introductions

Agenda adjustments:

Add $100 request to cosponsor DU booth at Democracy Festival on 24 Sept in DC (6D) CCC request to fund candidates - Brent (6C) Budget freeze proposal - Jake/Marc (5B)

Database and income reporting systems update - Doug/Jeff/Emily Will open in office now David asked to add feature useful for FEC reports Current form of DB in testing mode for the rest of the year, questions will be recorded and worked on Moving toward Open Source but timeline unknown

2005 Budget Committee, Caucus & Network Tier Proposals - Jake/Marc About one month's operating expenses on hand; several large donors seem to be on the horizon, Jake/Marc will write post about connection between dire financial condition, donor bill of rights, and donors Lavendar Caucus Creating Change Conference in Nov - Tier 1 and 2 - $2500, spent $388.94 so far, requesting $520 for 2 people, last iteration posted earlier today, okay to consider on next call

International Committee for travel to Federation of Green Parties in Peru in October - Tier 1 and 2 only $1400 left though more requested, no response from IC but it's their major expense, approved

CCC candidate requests - last expenditures for 2005, total requested $800, spent $2600 so far, Tier 1 and 2 $7000; funds likely not rolled over if not spent, approved

From Bob Petrusach (sp?) VA local - cosponsor DU booth at 24 Sept Peace Fair in DC - $100 for carrying banner and listing as cosponsor, consensus to only do if GPAX sponsors - which it isn't George Martin arranged for merchandise table at main event for $50 to share with GPAX, GPUS gets all profits, from fundraising budget preemptively approved

2006 Budget Preparation - Jeff/Marc/Doug

revised schedule and committee/caucus worksheets and project request posted today perhaps not necessary to have quarterly amounts except for large amounts and/or one-time expenses Doug would prefer a monthly breakdown for large amounts

GPAX Donation Proposal to transfer donations on webpage to Katrina Relief Efforts probably to FL Camp Katrina and LA Greens to 24 Sept - no response to request for further info Emily - money donated prior to Katrina and committee decision is $110 ($100 + $10); subsequently $200 + $25 need proposal - from FL? from LA? - SC approve under emergency spending, accept donation from GPAX? - proposal to SC

Funding additional listservs - next meeting

Revolving loan fund - next meeting

Indiana Speakers Bureau - sent input to Doug and Jake for later discussion - after reviewing posts to date

Next FinCom call - 26 Sept: facilitator Jake facilitate, Doug notes Judith can't join until 6 pm Pacific - agenda item for next call Jeff will do spreadsheet framework