Fin Com
Monday Oct 10, 2005
7:30 - 8:30 PM

Present: Jeff, Brent, Judith, Emily, Doug, Jake, Jody

1. Facilitator Jody/ note taker Doug/ timer Jake
2. Approval of notes Sept 26 meeting - taken by Doug
3. Self introduction of all on the call for the note taker
4. Agenda adjustments- Everyone

5. Database and income reporting systems Update - Emily: Process going well. Doug and Emily have communicated changes to David that need to be made, though the system is running and Emily is using it.

6. 2005 Budget Committee, Caucus & Network Tier Proposals

a) Green pages budget: Emily: they will be over budget after the next printing. They may need to request additional funding. Or printing with less pages to reduce cost. Doug: Green pages income YTD of $2,300 exceeds the 05 budget of $1,800. The expense budget is $12k and currently stands at $10k, before the printing of this next addition. The 05 budget was set at $12k after the 04 expense was $8,600, so the 05 budget represented a big increase over the previous year. Cost of Green pages in past years: 2002 = $7,300, 2003 = $6,800, 2004 = $8,600. We've had 3 printings in 2005 with 15,000 copies each thus far. Jake estimates we may need about $13,500 for the year, which is pretty close to the budget. Jake will ask SC for the extra money. Becky from the green pages committee suggested we raise the price of bundles from $25 to $30. A bundle is 100 papers. Currently we have 4,000 issues on hand, although we think we get more than the 15,000 copies per run. Jeff suggests we print 12,000 next time to save money - no consensus on that. Emily reports that our commitment of standing bundle orders plus subscriptions and green party cards is 10,000 to 11,000 copies. Decision to print usual number and the overage will be paid out of SC emergency money, which is $1,000 per month.

b) Lavender Caucus Budget -posted on Sept 12 to fincom. No objections or concerns. Now going to SC for their twinkles.

c) CCC request: wants donations to 6 campaigns for a total of $930.00.  Amount is within the budget. Passes. Twinkle.

7. 2006 Budget Preparation - Marc has posted forms and schedules to fincom. Approved. Jeff has been working on a layout. Doug and Jeff to work together on layout. Marc will post an updated schedule to fincom list.

8. Funding additional list serves update - Jeff: IT (information technology) function has been discussed between Jeff, Brent and Emily since last meeting. Marc has a list of vendor for listserves. Will send to list. Call this "IT (information technology) coordination" for next meeting.

9. Next Fin Com call - October 24, 2005.

Facilitator - Jake, Note taker
Marc, Timer - Judith

Respectfully Submitted,
Doug Malkan