Fin Com
Monday Oct 24, 2005

GPUS Fin Com Notes Monday Oct 24 7:30 - 8:30 PM
CALL IN NUMBER: Phone 1-402 -756-9000 Access Code 514211#

1. Facilitator Jake note taker Marc timer Judith Jake, Jody, Brent, Laverne, Marc, Judith, Jeff, Emily 

2. Approval of notes Oct 10 meeting Notes approved

3. Self introduction of all on the call for the note taker No new callers

4. Agenda adjustments- Everyone Added Merchandise Committee Request - item 8.5 

5. Database and income reporting systems Update - Doug/Jeff/Emily No updates 

Jeff presented alternative Income Reporting Methods for discussion. 

6. 2005 Budget Committee, Caucus & Network Tier Proposals - Jake/Marc Approved $1400 reimbursement to IC for travel to annual meeting of  Green Parties of the Americas Federation in Peru. 

7. 2006 Budget Preparation - Jeff, Marc/ Doug Budget worksheets sent to committees, due Nov. 6. Jeff and Marc will get together on budget and committee updates to  present to FinCom before next meeting. Draft budget due on 11/7.  

Approve budget and send to SC on 11/21. Discussion and vote  11/28-12/11. 

8. Information Technology Coordination update - Emily/Brent/Jeff No update. 

8.5 Merchandise Committee Want to place ad in Progressive or The Nation for Bring Them Home Now  magnets. $150-250 for Ad. Approved. 

8.6 Missouri In-Kind Donation

MO wants to know whether in-kind contributions violate any corporate  donation clauses in our fiscal policy. Seeking clarification from  Doug Malkan.

8.7 MerchCom Budget Line Discussion over whether to budget MerchCom expenses or just use bottom  line, and adjusting reports so they include monthly/ytd sales, cogs and inventory. No decision made.

9. Next Fin Com call - 11/7, facilitator: Jody and Note taker: Doug,  

Timer: Judith
