Fin Com
Nov 07, 2005

GPUS Fin Com Monday Nov 7 - 7:30 - 8:30 PM
Present: Jody, Doug, Emily, Brent, Jake, Jeff, Marc

1. Facilitator Jody, note taker Doug
2. Approval of notes by Marc Oct 24 meeting
3. Self introduction of all on the call for the note taker
4. 2005 Budget Committee, Caucus & Network Tier Proposals - Marc: no tier proposals presented.

5. 2006 Budget Preparation - Jeff: sent out email with attachments to list today with budget format and the fundraising plan. We reviewed these together on the call. The spreadsheet only represents tier 1. the other Tiers will need their own spreadsheets. Jake thinks we should focus on tier 1 and 2 only due to the time constraints and come back to tier 3 and 4 when we actually get to these income levels during 2006. The numbers used came from a variety of sources and are only a starting point for discussion. Jeff uses a variety of last years actual expense, last years budgets, input from people and committee requests. We need to match up the numbers to Marc's email also sent to list today with the subject line: Committee Budget Requests. Need an Appendix with all personnel costs lists in one place. Maybe other appendixes. Discussion of stipends for steering committee members including the treasurer and secretary. Marc to get Jeff committee numbers. SC members must get their portfolio numbers to Jeff. Jeff to incorporate this into the budget. Marc: we still have annual meeting, salaries and stipend issues. Also we don't have all the committee requests yet. Jeff to be the point man for budget. Discussion to start having nightly conference calls for the budget, same number and same time. 

6. Agenda items we didn't have time for, tabled till next call: Database and income reporting systems Update - Doug/Jeff/Emily Information Technology Coordination update - Emily/Brent/Jeff Merchandise Com Budget Line Discussion- Everyone Illinois membership form: Marc RI question, Wi questions, Government Contract question 

7. Next Fin Com call is tomorrow. Calls continue for every night until a 2006 budget draft is done. Call is at 1-402 -756-9000 Access Code 514211# 

Respectfully Submitted,
Doug Malkan