Fin Com Monday Nov 21 7:30 - 8:30 PM

Present: jake, marc, jody, doug, emily

1. Facilitator Jake note taker Doug timer Jake

2. Approval of notes Nov 7 meeting - twinkle

3. Self introduction of all on the call for the note taker - we know each other J

4. Agenda adjustments- none

5. 2005 Budget Committee, Caucus & Network Tier Proposals - Jake: none received.

6. 2006 Budget Delegate Q & A - Jake: only one so far. From FL regarding location of national office. The DC office lease goes to Oct. 2007. We had a two year lease extension in Oct. 05. Also the NC and SC are the appropriate committees for this question not FinCom. A discussion of this kind would likely require 6 to 12 months in advance. Dec 12 to 18 there will be voting on budget on the national committee. 

7. Merchant Com Budget Line Discussion - continued from last call. We can take this item off the agenda. 

8. Database and Income Reporting systems Update -Emily: David Spitzley should be able to make necessary changes before year end. Emily will be talking to David before thanksgiving. 

9. Information Technology Coordination Update - Emily: nothing new. 

10. Illinois Membership Form - Marc: asking for $500 to $600 to print green party card forms. Marc did post something to fincom on Nov. 7. Marc will send to FinCom in the form of a proposal for discussion and vote in two weeks. 

11. Government Contract Question - Emily: prospective donor is a government contractor. The language we have from the FEC says we cant except donations from individuals who are government contractors. Marc looked on and it appears that if you are personally under contract with the federal government you can not donate, but if you are an employee with a company that is under contract with the government then it appears you can donate.

Doug will check with FEC on a particular case that has come up in the office. 

12. Next Fin Com call - Monday Dec. 5, facilitator:marc and Note taker:doug

Respectfully Submitted, 

Doug Malkan