GPUS Fin Com Agenda Monday Dec 5 2005

7:30 - 8:30 PM

Present: Jake, Doug, Jody, Emily, Brent, Marc

1. Facilitator Jake; note taker Doug
2. Approval of notes by Doug Malkan Nov 21 meeting
3. Self introduction of all on the call for the note taker
4. Agenda adjustments- number 10 added.
5. 2005 Budget Committee, Caucus & Network Tier Proposals - Jake: from Woman's Caucus a tier request for $1,475.00 for two large banners, logo development, website development, letterhead, postage, copy, phones, subscriptions and conferences. None of these requests are time sensitive or for an upcoming event and the party does not have funds left in 2005 budget. Have them submit a budget request for 2006.

6. 2006 Budget Delegate Q & A - Jake: It was pointed out that nothing in our fiscal policy states that States or Delegates should fund the annual meeting. We will respond that that is true but it is also true that nothing
in our fiscal policy states that the National Party will fund the annual meeting. No other comments or questions have been received in the last 2 weeks.

7. Database and Income Reporting Systems Update -Emily: nothing new to report. Emily and Doug had a discussion earlier today to discuss the db. 

8. Information Technology Coordination Update - Jeff: trying to set a meeting time with key people. We need more people involved with IT experience.

9. Illinois Membership Form Proposal -Marc: continued to next call. 

10. Woman's Caucus inquires about moneys they have raised. Emily knows of for $267.50. plus $40 for a total of $307.50. Doug and Emily will research for any woman's money that we can see tagged for women's caucus.  Decision to allocate $400.00 for woman's caucus tier request discussed in item 5 above. We are waiting on David Spitzley to do work on the db to facilitate sharing for the committees and caucuses but he has not had time to do it yet, he says that he can do the work for us over the Christmas school break. 

Next Fin Com call - Dec. 19, facilitator Jody and Note taker: Doug

Respectfully Submitted,
Doug Malkan