GPUS Fin Com Agenda Monday Dec 19 2005

7:30 - 8:30 PM EST
Present: Jody, Doug, Brent, Emily, Laverne, Jake, Marc, Judith

1. Facilitator Jody, note taker Doug
2. Approval of notes Dec 5 meeting taken by Doug.
3. Self introduction of all on the call
4. Treasurers Report: Doug notes that the operating account is only $4k and the cash available for operations is only $2k so there is concern.  Brent is working on a large donation of $10k and another one of $10k in early January which should alleviate the immediate problem. Jake says we don't have any debt right now and should be ok through next month. Brent would like to rebuild the reserves in Jan with some of the money from these large donations. Twinkle! 
5. 2005 Budget Committee, Caucus & Network Tier Proposals - Jake: nothing new for 2005 has come in.
6. 2006 Budget - Jake: 2006 Budget was passed Dec 18 by the National Committee! Marc will send a final approved budget to the list. Jeff thinks we should work on a tier 3 and a tier 4. Any personnel issues should be routed to the SC not fincom. 
7. Database and Income Reporting Systems Update -Emily:has been working with David Spitzley. Plan is to send the db on Thursday and he will finish work by Jan. 3. During this period no data entry will be done in the office and also Emily will be on vacation.
8. Information Technology Coordination Update - Jeff: will send an email out to try to set a date for a meeting.

9. Illinois Membership Form Proposal -Marc: tabled till next call. 

10. Proposal for Jeff to travel to DC - Jeff: Continuing discussion of Jeff' s proposal to travel to DC to review the office procedures. Cost about $800.  Best time for Jeff to travel is after new years. Jake: SC discussed this and no decision has been made. Could use a detailed plan of goals for the trip.  SC next meeting is on Jan 2 but the SC will likely make a decision on this proposal by email using the SC list for discussion. 

11. Next FinCom call - Jan 9th. This is 3 weeks out to accommodate SC going to every 3 weeks. Facilitator: Jake, Note taker:Doug 

Respectfully Submitted, Doug Malkan