GPUS Fin Com Monday JAN 9, 2006 7:30 - 8:30 PM

Present: Jody, Emily, Brent, Doug, Jeff, Marc. (Jake absent)

1. Facilitator Jody note taker Doug
2. Approval of notes by Doug from Dec 19 meeting
3. Self introduction of all on the call for the note taker
4. Agenda adjustments- number 5. Delete 05 and 06 budget, that's done.

5. Question from Jeff Broxmeyer, WI, Campaign Manager, Vogeler for U.S.
Senate on whether a congressional candidate is required to file campaign
finance earnings with the IRS. FinCom does not have the expertise to
candidates on what they need to do and does not want to be liable for
campaigns' management or filings. Candidates first need to obtain a tax
number from the IRS and check with their Sec. of State. We are referring
this question to the CCC and Greg Garritt. Greg was a campaign manager
for a
congressional race. Brent will send an email to Jeff in WI referring him

6. removed from agenda

7. Database and Income Reporting Systems Update -Emily: David Spitzley
made the requested changes to the db. However there was a problem with
December information and import of historical data. David is fixing this
tonight and doesn't't think this will be a problem. Dec. 31 db coming to
tomorrow. Jan 06 data is already being entered at the office. Doug, Jeff
Emily are going to review the db tomorrow and look at 2006 reporting
capabilities and also decide if Jan 06 data should be entered yet. Jeff
feels that Jan data should not be entered until the income categories in
db is finalized for 06. This would require the office to wait on data
and possibly create a backlog, also some Jan data has been entered
8. Information Technology Coordination Update - Jeff: The very first IT
meeting scheduled for Thursday Jan 12, 7pm EST.

9. Illinois Membership Form Proposal -Marc: no update

9a: Green Party of Washington State on-line donations -MARC: WA asks
using USGP website to collect donations instead of WA getting a merchant
account and process their own online donations. We want to provide
mechanical support for the state to set up online donations but not run
though USGP. Jeff will get us a quote from a vendor to do this. Emily
DIA is coming out with chapter tools. This may do what we want to do,
will check this out. Doug says we should not run any of this state money
thru the USGP bank account, have the states get individual merchant
which work from the USGP website.