DRAFT Meeting Notes: GP-US Finance Committee: 1-23-2006

Those in Attendance: Jody Haug (WI), Laverne Butler (DC), Jeff Turner
(HI), GP-US Accountant Doug Malkan (CO), GP-US Treasurer Jake Schneider
(WI), Brent McMillan (DC Staff), Emily Citkowski (DC Staff)

Facilitator: Jody, Notetaker: Brent

1. Approved Meeting Minutes from 1-9-2006.

2. Database and Income Reporting Systems update:
David Spitzley sent us the end of the year database (around the 10th)
We need to have David take into account some feedback from Doug.

Jeff volunteered to get a quote on an alternative credit card company at
a previous meeting and has been doing research that he will get back to
us with.

Marc brought up if there was a better way to track state sharing
obligation. Jeff mentioned that there is software available that would
do this. Currently we budget about $10,000 per quarter or $3,300 per
month for state sharing. There was a proposal for Jake to include an
estimated amount of $800 per week in the accounts payable section of the
Weekly Treasurers Report. There was general support for this idea.

3. GPAX Budget request for UFPJ annual dues: Ann Wilcox brought to the
committee a request for approval for the annual $300 dues for membership
in UPFJ. There was general support for the expenditure. This will come
out of the GPAX budget. Jake will remind Ann when he speaks to her that
this comes out of the GPAX budget.

4. Information Technology Coordination: There was a meeting last
Thursday. There is a meeting scheduled for this Thursday. We have been
working on goal setting and needs assessment. The main topic for this
next meeting is how we go about it in a professional manner. Jane Hunter
will take the lead in the discussion. Steve Kramer is the new chair for
the Ad Hoc IT Committee.

5. ANMC Budget request for site visit: The proposal is that $1,200 is
needed immediately to buy plane tickets. The Committee is asking for
approval of the full $2,100 budgeted. The remainder covers per deim,
food, housing, etc. The ANMC is tentatively targeting the 2nd week of
April for the trip. They are sending 3 people to Tucson (assuming
approval by NC). Jake expressed that cash flow is tight right now and
made a counter proposal for the approval of the release of $800 now for
the purchase of tickets. The counter proposal was approved.

6. Tabled the Illinois Proposal for now.

7. Next Fin Com Call: Monday, February 6, Facilitator: Jake, Notetaker: