Subject: GPUS Fin Com Agenda Monday Feb 6 7:30 - 8:30 PM

1. Facilitator Jake note taker Emily timer Jake
2. Approval of notes Jan 23 meeting 


3. Present: Jake, Marc, Jody, Jeff, Doug, Emily & Brent
4. Agenda adjustments- Everyone
5. 2006 Budget Update - Jake/Marc
Discuss missing budget item Pair Networks web hosting: 
* It has come to our attention that we did not include $1,800.00
annual ($150.00 per month) pair networks bill in 2006 budget. 

* Discussed where to cut the additional money. Suggestions
included: Green Party Card and On-Line Advertising, IC travel budget,
Information Services, Personal Solicitations, SC phone reimbursements,
and the miscellaneous category.

* Decided to cut the $500.00 equipment line item from the
Personnel Committee which would cover three months. Jody will check with

6. Database and Income Reporting Systems Update
* Doug and Emily will talk Tues am to generate list of changes
for David.

7. Information Technology Coordination Update -
* Two meetings, Steve Kramer has agreed to organize the
committee. Meeting planned for next Thursday. Jake will call Steve ask
to set-up.

8. Illinois Membership Form Proposal -Marc
* IL wants to pull because not enough interest. 

* Feedback that there has not been discussion or proposal, not
lack of interest. Jody suggests 
finding someone in IL to work on this along with Marc. IL looking for
guidance on printing form. 

* Decided to move to Fundraising Committee agenda, under Green
Party Card report -subcategory "Green Party Card State Support"

9. Next Fin Com call -

Facilitator: Marc

Note taker: Brent