GP-US Finance Committee

February 20, 2006

Those in Attendance: Emily Citkowski (DC), Judith Grant (CA), Jody Haug
(WA), Brent McMillan (DC), Marc Sanson (IL), Jake Schneider (WI)

Facilitator: Jake
Notetaker: Brent

1. Approval of notes from Feb. 6 meeting - approved.

2. 2006 Budget Update-
GPAX requested funding for sponsorship at the Venezuela Solidarity
Conference in DC on March 3-5. If GPAX sponsors it is $100, if GP-US
sponsors it is $200. Has there been a response from the International
Committee in regards to this request? No. 
Proposal made to approve $100 GPAX sponsorship pending SC approval
online given the timeliness and urgency of the issue. Proposal passed.
Jake agreed to bring the proposal to the SC for approval.

3. Database Income Reporting Systems Update - Emily
Working towards a meeting with Doug Malkan (CO) and Jeff Turner (HI).

4. Information Technology Coordination Update - Emily/Brent
The IT adhoc Committee met last Thursday. We discussed priorities from
the needs list that had been developed at previous meetings. Developing
Backup policy was the most urgent need from the list. Steve Kramer (MD)
and Jane Hunter (NJ) will develop a written policy for this. The next
meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 9.
It was decided that the IT committee is far enough along in its
development that it needs to report directly to the SC and it is no
longer a needed agenda item for the Finance Committee. 

5. New Business-Judith asked about opening up a bank account/paypal
account for the lavender caucus. She will email Jake about this.

6. Next Fin Com call - Monday, March 6, facilitator: Marc, Notetaker: