GPUS Fin Com Agenda Monday March 6 7:30 - 8:30 PM

1. Facilitator: Marc 
Notes: Emily 
Timer: Jake

2. Approval of notes Feb 20 meeting: Approved

3. Self introduction of all on the call for the note taker: Jody, Doug,
Brent, Marc, Jake, Emily

4. Agenda adjustments- Added ANMC

5. New Bank Accounts - Jake
-Two new bank accounts. 

-Closing out current reserve account to move to money mkt.
Putting all web transactions on one account. Emily will call
Verisign tomorrow. Work with Doug and Jake

-Jake faxing corp res. to Marc for sig.

6. 2006 Budget Update - Jake/Marc

-Site visit budgeted, will request money to cover travel expenses at
next meeting. 

Green Pages Budget Adjustment
-Green Pages proposal to hire contractor for distribution. Approved
moving $600 from the Green Pages printing budget to the Green Pages
contractor budget. The stipend will be $150 quarterly.

7. Database and Income Reporting Systems Update -Doug/Jeff/Emily
-Doug meeting with David on Weds

-Jake, Doug and Emily clarified caucus and state sharing
recording process in writing. 

8. Fincom Membership - Jake/Marc
Marc Boreno- resigned
Judith Grant -on leave for one month
Dan Rodriquez-Schlorf -contacting to find out if he
still wants to be involved.
-Convention fees. 
Who does this ANMC, SC or FinCom?
Last year, this was worked out in joint SC/FinCOm/ANMC call. ANMC met
last week and wanted FinCom feedback in terms of whos job this is.
Meeting last year lost money. Need to break even this year. 
ANMC should submit proposal or plan.

-Proxy votes?
Should we charge for proxy votes. Concern it may be "tough
sell". Ask for ANMC to present options.

Marc will bring feedback to the ANMC. Marc will start drafting
proposals. (is this correct?)

10. Next Fin Com call 
Facilitator: Jake Note taker: Brent