Meeting Minutes GP-US Finance Committee March 20, 2006

Those in Attendance: Emily Citkowski (DC), Doug Malkan (CO): (late in
the call), Brent McMillan (DC), Marc Sanson (IL), Jake Schneider (WI),
Jeff Turner (HI): (late in the call), Gwen Wages (MS)

Facilitator: Jake
Notetaker: Brent

1. Approval of notes from Mar. 6 meeting - approved.

2. New Bank Account- Jake
The Sovereign Bank Account will be at net zero tomorrow morning. Jake
will close the account. 

3. ANMC Budget Request for site visit - Jake/Marc
Approved travel request. Need $16,000 in income, just shy of budgeting
for less than total amount from last year. Look at budget from 2002
meeting as a possible resource. They is more going on this year than
last (2006 Midterm).

4. ANMC convention fees proposal - Jake/Marc
Hoping to get registration fees up soon. Will present to the SC next
week. Will make suggested changes at that time. Will work online.

5. Database and Income Reporting Systems Update - Emily
Waiting on David to make changes.

6. Fincom Membership Update - Jake/Marc

6. Campus Greens Funding Discussion - Jake/Jeff
Does it make sense to reclassify the Campus Greens as a Network? They do
not meet the definition of a Caucus. Marc - David Wilcox filed forms in
2005 for Campus Greens. Did they file for dissolution of the 527?
501C4? Doug will contact the FEC and see if there are any restrictions
that we will need to be aware of. Keep the Campus Greens item on the

7. Next Fin Com call - Monday, April 3, Facilitator: ?, Notetaker: ?
