GPUS Fin Com meeting Monday May 1, 2006 7:30 - 8:30 PM

Present: Jake, Doug, Brent McMillan, Brent White, Emily, Bud Dickenson,
Marc, Holly Hart, Jody (live from May 1 rally), Jeff Turner. CALL IN
Phone 1-402 -756-9000 Access Code 514211#

1. Facilitator JAKE / note taker DOUG
2. No approval of notes April 17 meeting -Jody had requested changes. Brent took minutes and needs to repost minutes to make sure changes were made. 

3. Self introduction of all on the call for the note taker - none

4. Agenda adjustments- none 

5. Coordinated Expenditures and Donations Proposal - Brent M.: Spoke with FEC analyst Kathy Coruthers (sp) about forming house and senate campaign committees. This is a committee to make coordinated campaign expenditures. The process is very much the same as forming the national party. Guidelines in Appendix A, pg 108 of FEC campaign guide. We have to submit to the FEC for an advisory opinion. We are the first political party to do this as the Dems and Reps were grandfathered in when the FEC was formed. From Fed Register Coordinated Expenditures. It will be important that we adhere to maximum limits on contributions. Brent M will email donor limits to fincom list. Brent M and Brent W are researching more information and working on putting together a proposal. Brent M has the original FEC filing to form the national party in the office. 

6. 2006 Budget Update - Jake: ANM Diversity $$$$ Allocations suppose to be in tier 2 and tier 3 budgets. We have not reached these higher tiers and may not. We are talking about $1,200 reg $360 for meals. Diversity com only has $500 in their budget. Where is this money going to come out of? No money is even budgeted for dinners or lodging. We have not received a request from the committee. The SC could possibly allocate $1,000 out of their budget. We need a better application process. We also do know for a fact that the Diversity Com is up and functioning. Proposal to let the SC make a determination as to these allocations. 

7. Database and Income Reporting Systems Update - It appears there was a change made to a sharing code in the db at the office and the word "State" was replaced with ""do not use" this is why sharing was on hold initially. Emily thought that "do not use" meant it was not sharing so we did not pay on these. Now "do not use" means share with a state. The bottom line is that there is about $7,200 in donations affected by this, which is going to be about $3,600 in additional sharing we owe. Doug will issue an additional batch of checks for this amount as soon as possible. 

8. Donor Bill of Rights Query Update -Emily: Still needs to be worked on, to be continued. 

9. Donation Appeal Question - FEC Interpretation of solicitations involving volunteers & candidates - Emily: When we put pics of candidates on our website it goes to a page for the candidate. We added a donate button and a volunteer button. We are collecting money for candidates thru the national party bank account and also helping campaigns with coordination of volunteers. A question is whether there is any FEC issues with this. Another question is compliance with our fiscal policies. There is also concern that this might detract from National Party fundraising efforts. Brent and Doug will do more research for next call. 10. Joint Media & Fund Com TV Advertising Promotional Update 

Jake: The media com should put forward a proposal on how to fund this. It is expected the Media Com will be raising the funds for this program. We allow for committees to raise money for their programs not in the budget. Money raised by the Media Com needs to be tracked in the data base and the accounting. 


11. State Sharing Confidentiality Requirement Question - Doug: This issue has been raised by a state treasurer as to what is our confidentiality policy, if any, is for our donors. We currently give this information to state treasurers that request it as an excel file. Donor information is also public information on the FEC website for donors$200 or more per year. However the FEC info is not in a downloadable file and also we believe there is a law against others using the FEC info for mailings. We are unsure whether we have a fiscal policy regarding Confidentiality. Jake will look thru our fiscal policies to see if anything already there applies. This item to be continued. 

12. Next Fin Com call - May 15, facilitator JAKE and Note taker EMILY