Subject: GPUS Fin Com Agenda Monday May 15 7:30 - 8:30 PM

1. Facilitator: Jake note taker: Emily timer: Jake
2. Approval of notes of April 17 & May 1 meeting
-Where are the notes? Not on the Fin Com page. Emily will work with the
web manager.

3. Self introduction of all on the call for the note taker:
- Jake, Brent, Doug, Jeff, Marc, Brent W. & Emily
4. Agenda adjustments- 
-added point 12 & 13
5. Coordinated Expenditures and Donations Proposal - Brent M. /Brent W.
Update on 1st Draft and discuss the limits posted by Brent to Fin Com on

-Brent M. sent draft proposal, approved by the CCC to create the Green
Party Senate Committee, Green Party Congressional Committees. No other
3rd parites have (dems and reps do). FEC allows for these committees,
but does not provide guidelines for setting up. Elected by GNC, but with
own campaign accounts and treasurer. Contribution limit for the Senate
and Congressional Committees would be same as for GNC (26k/yr).
Individuals could, theoretically

-Q. Jake: How much autonomy will these two committees have?
-A. Brent W: Set up plausible independence such as preventing overlap in
membership between committees. No day-to-day control by GNC/SC over the

-Q Marc: Question about role of GNC, approval by FEC. 
-A. Brent W: GNC will not submit the Advisory Opinion Requests; it will
be each of the two new committees -with approval by GNC.
(Advisory Opinion Request = When you request from the FEC a
determination whether committee meets requirements.)

-Q. Jeff: Slick if it works. But concern is that FEC intent is for
independence of committees, but GNC involved.
-A. Brent W: GNC does not have recall authority.
-A. Brent M: We don't know, because other committees have not done this.
FEC might say GNC has too much oversight, if so we'd make changes and

Jake - To send to the SC for discussion on next meeting. Finance
Committee and GPWA will be co-presenters.

6. 2006 Budget Update - Jake/Marc

-No report

7. Database and Income Reporting Systems Update -Doug/Jeff/Emily

-Emily: Waiting on few long-term projects (deposit report matching the
income report, for instance). Need window of opportunity -end of the
-Jeff: ready to get involved in this project. Doug, Emily and Jeff will

8. Donor Bill of Rights Query Update Jake/Emily/Brent
State Party requests for donation totals from the data base from donors
from their State from the periods of 2000 to 2005

-Emily will follow-up email with a phone call to David.

9. Donation Appeal Question Update - Doug, Emily, Brent
FEC Interpretation of solicitations involving volunteers & candidates

-All okay. Take off agenda. 

10. Joint Media & Fund Com TV Advertising Promotional Update -

-no report

11. State Sharing Confidentiality Requirement - Doug/Brent
Review Draft of Confidentiality Policy for our Fiscal Policy posted by
Brent on 5/9 to Fin Com

-no policy stating what states can and cannot do with donor information,
need something in fiscal policy confirming that info is confidential,
cannot be sold to advertisers, shared with outside organizations, etc.
Also amend to allow state treasurers to request info (not just NC
delegates). And amend that request must be submitted in writing. 
-Nothing in writing yet.

PROPOSAL: Jake ask Brent and Doug to present draft at the next Fin Com

12. Officer Expectations and Compensation

-Marc: Sent draft proposal to include stipend for Co-Chairs ($100) and
Sect'y and Treasurer ($250) per month = $14,400/yr (5% of budget)
-Doug: Q We have a budget process, is this outside of that?
-Jeff: Mandate into next year's budget, rather than this year.
-Brent: Don't know how this will come out of budget right now. Hope
we'll see more development work in 2007. If we can't make budget now,
mandating will mean cutting something else. 
-Doug: Does any of this proposal affect 06 budget?
-Marc: Was initially part of 06 budget, but it got slashed, along with
SC stipends. Mandating as part of our basic operating expenses will
ensure it happens. To answer Doug's question, *if* budget is exceeded,
we'd add to 2006 budget. Expectations and obligations for Steering
Committee members, without compensation or reimbursement for expenses. 
-Jake: Prospective treasurers asking if they are compensated for
expenses (fax, phone, toner, etc.). GNC does not realize how much of
their own money SC spends.
-Brent: Puts burden on staff to work more hours. Staff has already seen
increased work week If we mandate this, how will it happen? What are you
proposing? Cut staff salaries? SC fundraise? In many organizations the
board takes on more fundraising responsibilities. 
-Doug: Should be discussing as part of budget. In favor of stipends, but
this is ahead of the process. 
-Jeff: We ought to be reimbursing all out of pocket expenses first. Not
incurring taxes for folks, no 1099s for us. Maybe policy is to do it,
without stating amount. Amount would be decided during budget process.
-Jody: Like idea of starting by reimbursing out of pocket costs. Some
co-chairs will have more expenses to reimburse than others. Plus, would
have to pay 15% tax after $600. Would like to start asking SC to track
expenses so that we have an idea of what those costs are.

13. Ballot Access GPTX
Marc: GPTX asked to send appeal to entire email list. 
Jody: Wondering about direness of TX needs over the rest of the states.
Jake: Concern that this more work for Brent.
Marc: Not Brent. Emily and Richard. In addition to time, this would
affect other scheduled appeals -taking money away from general fund.
Settle on fundraising call.

Next Fin Com call - May 29

Facilitator Jake

and Note taker: Doug