GPUS Finance Committee

August 7, 2006

Those in Attendance: Emily Citkowski (DC), Katey Culver (TN), Budd Dickenson (CA), Jody Haug (WA), Doug Malkan (CO), Brent McMillan (DC), Marc Sanson (WI), Jeff Turner (HI), 

Facilitator: Jody
Notetaker: Brent

1. Approval of July 17, 2006 minutes - approved.

2. Overview - Jody: Got access to the bank account this morning. We are not in a position to do state sharing at this time. We are up a little from where we were at July 1, maybe $2,000. Plan to do a proportion of state sharing when we can.

Budd: What programs are included with state sharing?

Doug: All donors that elect for it, Green Party Card all of the time, one time.

Jody: Intends to get a paper out every month. The first one will be about the relationship between state and national fundraising. Trust issues are necessary if we are to get donor lists from states.

Jeff: Book keeping nightmare solution, pay the little one in full and as you get to the next level do the larger ones. In other words, small checks in full, larger in percentage.

Doug: Jeff's suggestion would be easier to do.

3. Next Steps - 
3A. Database and Income Report Systems - 
Emily: Has a list of things for her and David S. to work on in August. Jody will review the list with Emily in a staff call later this week.

Jeff: Agenda is to have income cost accounting improved, with greater clarity, to have budgeting and the financial statement be in sync. We need to have a collaborative effort. We need to get ready for next year.

3B. Donor Bill of Rights - 
Brent: What should be the next step in the development of the Donor Bill of Rights? Should there be a next step? Should it be incorporated into the Finance Committee P & P's? Our fiscal policy?

Jody: Our fiscal policy…

Brent will write up a proposal for the next fin com meeting for the Donor Bill of Rights to be incorporated into our fiscal policy. 

Emily will look at having a pop-up wherever there is a donate button on the website. 

3C. Senate Campaign Committee - 
Brent: The Senate Campaign Committee had their first Conference Call. They are in the process of selecting officers. They are looking at opening a bank account soon. Their new Treasurer will be following up on the pledges. It was clear that there was not energy in Tucson for getting the House Committee up and running at this time.

3D. Future difficult decisions - 
Marc: Do we have the final numbers for the Tucson budget yet?

Doug: Emily is still booking income. The bulk of the numbers will be in the next financial statement. 

Emily: Let's wait on paying the $1,000 additional bill that we received from the University of Arizona until they send an itemization.

Brent: I propose a spending freeze until state sharing is paid out.

Marc: I recommend a spending freeze until we have the complete numbers for Tucson and we have completed 2nd quarter state sharing. We should bring this to the SC.

Jeff: The 2007 budget needs to be added to the Fin Com agenda.

Doug: Looking at the current budget and maybe looking for cuts is a good place to start.

4. Next Call - Jody will get an agenda out. 
Marc: We need to get the new members vetted with the NC, Budd and Liz. By next meeting Marc will make a list of everyone who is active on the committee. This is a good time to clean up the list. Are the SC automatically vetted?

Jeff: With the financial pressure and budget process coming up we are going to need to hold weekly meetings for awhile.

Marc: Last year we alternated calls with the budget subcommittee. I don't know that there is a need to form a subcommittee.

Jeff: Approve of having a meeting next week.

Marc: We need a more scientific way to figure our spending out. What do we need to have in the reserve account?

Doug: For all intents and purposes there is no reserve account at present.

The next meeting was scheduled for Monday, August 14, 8:30 PM Eastern.

Facilitator: Marc, Notetaker: Doug.
