GPUS Finance Committee

13 Nov 2006

On call: Marc, Brent, Budd, Jody, Emily, Jeff Facilitator: Marc; Notes: Jody

Minutes of 30 October approved

Financial review - Jody: balance low but workable since money is coming in - $1086.00 deposit today, resolicitation mailing contributions beginning to come in, sustainers will be recorded on Thursday  

2007 Proposed Budget - Marc - fundraising ambitious for next year; no budget for repaying 2006 state sharing? - Green Party Card for membership card dependent on paying state sharing Brent - Direct Mail same except net higher; One-Time Contributions increased from 3 fundraisers rather than basically 1; Planned Giving addition Emily - Green Party Card and Merchandise upward trends extended; Website - 

collaborate with states and grow donor lists Jeff - fundraising program recreated in 2006 and more reliable for 2007, several good working programs Marc - questions expectations from joint state programs, need to slash budget from $25-30,000, has no specific proposals 

For Budget: List state sharing as 4th quarter 2006 through 3rd quarter 2007 Approval to send budget to SC for 19 Nov, Jody will send SC agenda request and info that budget with introduction will be sent on Thursday morning, FinCom will express concerns by Wednesday; Marc will stand aside  

Budget Introduction - feedback online expected, intro and budget to SC on Thursday morning 

Merch Proposal (not for 2007 Proposed Budget) - concerns to be raised with FunCom Brent - budget based on merch insert only once per year, income went down last year with holiday merch insert since the net income for merch is lower than for direct contributions, gross income from mailing not effected; Jody - $25 for shirt does not equal $25 direct contribution Jeff - look for ways to make it work, synergy 

50% net for state sharing programs generally acceptable - on next agenda 

Next meeting: 27 Nov, Brent facilitator, Emily notetaker