The Green Party has asked Green leaders from all over the US to tell America what a Green President of the United States would do during the ‘First 100 Day’s of his or her administration.
Green candidates and members of the Green Party’s Speakers Bureau submitted video clips and short essays to describe what they’d do if elected to the White House and what Green steps President Obama should take to resolve the nation’s problems.
“This is our Inauguration Day gift to Barack Obama and to America. We celebrate the landmark election of America’s first African American president, but we’re worried that Barack Obama will retreat from his promises of change, especially given some of his Cabinet appointments. That’s why we’ve collected these recommendations from prominent Green Party members,” said Sanda Everett, co-chair of the Green Party of the United States.
Readers and viewers of the videos are encouraged to post their comments in the links below.
John R. Battista, M.D.
Coordinator of the Connecticut Coalition for Universal Health Care
An International Perspective on Health Care Reform
read more about Dr. Battista here . . .
Brian Czech
Ph.D. ecologist and Certified Wildlife Biologist
read more about Mr. Czech here . . .
Morgen D’Arc
Co-Founder, Co-Spokesperson and Former Co-Chair, National Women’s Caucus; Chair, Cumberland County Green Party; 2002 Candidate for Cumberland County Register of Deeds; National Green Party Delegate, 2002-2006 and 2007-present, Maine
Women: Rights, Issues And Conditions. A Breakthrough Agenda
read more about Ms. D’Arc here . . .
Kathy Dopp
M.S. Mathematics, Executive Director, National Election Data Archive, UT
read more about Ms. Dopp here . . .
Ron Forthofer
2002 Green Party candidate for Governor of Colorado, 2000 candidate for Congress, CO
U.S. Foreign Policy for the 21st Century
read more about Mr. Forthofer here . . .
Derek Iversen and the GPUS Eco-Action Committee
First 100 Days Energy and Environmental Policy
Cynthia McKinney
2008 Green Party Candidate for President
Discussing Palestine, Israel, and her trip on a relief boat destined for the Gaza
More from Ms. McKinney on the Middle East
John Rensenbrink
1996 Green Party Candidate for U.S. Senate from Maine
founding member of the Green Party of the United States
founder of the Maine Green Independent Party
Policies for The First 100 Days of a Green Party Administration in Washington
read more about Mr. Rensenbrink here . . .
Deeana Taylor
Co-Coordinator, Desert Greens Green Party of Utah, 2006 Green Party candidate for Salt Lake County Council
read more about Ms. Taylor here . . .
Laura Wells
2002 and 2006 Green Party candidate for State Controller, CA
read more about Ms. Wells here . . .
Jana Zara
Advisory Neighborhood Commission, SMD 1D01, Washington, DC
read more about Ms. Zara here . . .
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