2022 Chapter II Social Justice. H Criminal Justice. (4)g

GPWI, Social Justice. H. 4. g: Legalize psilocybin mushrooms and other entheogenic substances

Name of party/caucus/committee and co-chair contact information

Wisconsin Green Party
Co chairs:
Dave Schwab david.c.schwab@gmail.com
Jo’ Nathan Kingfisher zkingfisherbird@gmail.com

Brief explanation of approval process and date of approval

The proposal was submitted to the WIGP Coordinating Council for discussion and voting, and was approved on 9/30/21.

Contact Information for author or designated contact person: name, address, phone, e-mail.

Dave Schwab david.c.schwab@gmail.com

Chapter of the platform and letter of plank being addressed; or, if introducing new material, chapter and section where new plank should appear

II. Social Justice, H. Criminal Justice, 4. End the War on Drugs, add plank g

Current language of plank being addressed


Proposed revision or amendment of the current language, or proposed new plank


g. Legalize psilocybin mushrooms and other entheogenic substances that have been found to have therapeutic benefits and low medical risks for responsible adult users.

Additional comments or questions

A growing number of communities are moving to decriminalize psilocybin mushrooms and other entheogenic substances, defined as “psychoactive substances that induce alterations in perception, mood, consciousness, cognition, or behavior for the purposes of engendering spiritual development or otherwise in sacred contexts.” Some of these substances are sometimes called “psychedelic” or “hallucinogenic”; however, these words have acquired certain negative or unhelpful associations among the general public. Starting in 2019 cities such as Denver, Oakland, Santa Cruz, Washington DC, Cambridge, and Somerville MA have decriminalized psilocybin and other entheogens like peyote, and in 2020 Oregon became the first state to decriminalize psilocybin and legalize it for therapeutic use.

Greens have long been at the forefront of the movement to end the destructive “war on drugs”. Greens led the way in calling specifically for legalization of cannabis/marijuana. In that same vein, this proposal would put the Green Party at the forefront of calling for legalization of psilocybin and other entheogenic substances found to have therapeutic benefits and low medical risks for responsible adult users.

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