News Release - Monday, November 4, 2002

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Green Party Candidates for Congress Establish the Greens as America's Opposition Party.

Monday, November 4, 2002

Dean Myerson, Political Coordinator, 202-319-7191,
Nancy Allen, Media Coordinator, 207-326-4576, 
Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator, 202-518-5624,

NOTE: The office of the Green Party of the United States will be open Tuesday night and Wednesday for updates on results and contact info for Green Party candidates. Phone: 202-319-7191

Bipartisan consensus on major issues -- especially support for war powers for Bush -- leaves the Green Party as the only choice for clean elections, challenging corporate rule, and adherence to constitutional and international law

WASHINGTON, DC -- "There's so much bipartisan agreement and overlap on many major issues of the day, that voters across the U.S. have begun to recognize Greens as a viable alternative -- often, the only viable alternative," said Rachel Treichler, Green Party candidate for the House of Representatives in New York's 29th Congressional District. "Our candidates for the U.S. House and Senate have established the Greens in 2002 as America's party of choice, of re-enfranchisement and giving people a reason to come out and vote. We're the alternative to the two major parties, which represent the interests of those funding their campaigns -- the large corporations, PACS, and wealthy donors." 

Over 60 Greens are competing in congressional races, out of more than 530 Green campaigns across the U.S.

"Congressional Green candidates are talking about national health insurance and focus on prevention as the solution to the crisis in access to primary care and prescription drug prices for older Americans and others who need medicine the most," added B.J. Armstrong, Texas Green candidate for representative for the House in District 6. "Under the influence of the drug, HMO, and insurance lobbies, the Democratic leadership has abandoned the promise of national health insurance. And Greens are talking about concrete measures and international cooperation to stop global warming -- an urgent topic most Democrats have ignored this year, despite President Bush's withdrawal from the Kyoto accords in 2001. Where's Congress's push to convert to clean, safe energy sources and end our dependence on fossil fuels? Where are the Democrats?" 

Green congressional candidates have shown leadership and distinguished themselves from the Democrats and Republicans on two other issues in the headlines:

Democrats put the vote over the top to surrender Congress's constitutional power to declare war over to President Bush. Green congressional candidates have vigorously criticized the Bush Administration's anti-constitutional plans to invade Iraq, its use of threats against national security as an excuse to attack basic constitutional rights and protections, and the timidity of Democrats. Democratic votes, with one exception in the Senate, voted to pass the USA PATRIOT Act last year.

"The Green Party is the party of adherence to the Constitution and to international law," said Elizabeth Shanklin, Green candidate in New York's 17th District. "We're the party that urges international negotiation -- not to bribe and threaten other countries into supporting Bush's illegal invasion plans, but to find nonviolent solutions and save human lives." 

"The dirty little secret of the Democratic Party during the past year is that Democrats, like their Republican rivals, assisted Enron and received extensive campaign checks from companies riddled with corruption,"  said Dick Kaiser, Green candidate for Wisconsin's 8th Congressional District. "Democrats even helped pass the bill limiting auditor liability [the 1995 Private Securities Litigation Reform Act], despite the lessons of the savings and loan debacle." 

But Greens insist that corporate abuse doesn't just mean swindled investors, financial raids by CEOs, and multimillion-dollar bonuses. 

"The influence of corporate boardrooms over Democrats and Republicans in Congress has ensured the passage of the greatest legislated threat to the health of the environment and the rights of working people in our lifetime," said Rachel Treichler. "Under secretive international financial authorities and pacts like the WTO, NAFTA, FTAA, World Bank, IMF, etc., our precious environmental and human rights protections are in jeopardy. Secrecy, privatization of public resources and services, disappearance of American jobs, sweatshop  labor here and abroad, and taxpayer-funded payoffs to companies to compensate for their adherence to environmental laws -- these are all forms of corruption."

Charles Pillsbury, Green candidate for the House in Connecticut's 3rd District, agreed and added, "All of these depend on the continued corrupting influence of campaign money accepted every election cycle by both Democrats and Republicans. This is why Green congressional candidates have signed on to the Corporate Reform Candidates Pledge. 

"Democrats and Republicans in Congress have been scrambling like maniacs to grab as much soft money as possible before McCain-Feingold kicks in, and they've started to look under every rock for loopholes, many of which have been proposed by the FEC," noted Steve Greenfield, Green candidate in the 22nd District of New York. "Meanwhile, we Greens continue to refuse corporate money, and we're calling for the next level of reform to make elections clean and candidates accountable to the voting public -- measures such as public financing of campaigns and opening the airwaves to candidates for discussion and debate over issues affecting voters' lives."

"We're working for globalization -- for globalized democracy, globalized justice, and the responsible stewardship of nature," said Jonathan Farley, congressional candidate from Tennessee. "We'll win seats in Congress soon -- if not in 2002, then in another election another year, as more and more voters find out what the Greens really stand for: the defense and freedom of earth's most precious resource, the human spirit."  


Corporate Reform Candidates Pledge 

The Green Party of the United States 
National office: 1314 18th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
202-319-7191, 866-41GREEN

Index of Green Party candidates in 2002

search: gbl, cmp

News Release - Monday, November 4, 2002

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