Live Green, Vote Green
Over a thousand Greens from all over the world will be gathering in Chicago from July 10th-13th for the 2008 U.S. Green Party National Nominating Convention. On Thursday, and Friday, they will be coming together in Workshops to learn from one another. On Saturday, a National Party Platform will be adopted. Then the National Nominating Convention will select the Green Party candidate for the 2008 Presidential Election. Sunday will be a morning of workshops and connecting with fellow Greens.
For VolunteersWe are looking for volunteers in Chicago. Tasks that volunteers can help us with include:
More information is available here. If you would like to help, please contact us at:volunteer@greenparty2008.org For DelegatesDelegates traveling to Chicago for the convention have a wide array of lodging options available. The Chicago public transportation system will allow them to explore the city's many distinct neighborhoods. We encourage all delegates to Register as soon as possible.
NewsJuly 10th -- The Convention has started, online registration is closed! July 3rd -- Saturday-Only Registration will remain $30. July 2nd -- Detailed Workshop description and schedule available June 30th -- New detailed Schedule available June 24th -- GP2008 Room Sharing Bulletin Board available. June 19th -- Exhibitor fees reduced We have reduced the 3-day exhibitor fees for both commercial and non-profit organizations. See the updated Exhibitor Application for details. June 3rd -- New Saturday-only Observer and Student/Low-Income Registrations Available We are now offering a Student/Low-Income Registration rate of $150. However, there are only 100 of these packages available, so we encourage those who need the reduced rate to register ASAP! We are also offering a Saturday-Only Observer Registration rate of $30. It will increase to $50 on June 15th, so if you would like to observe the National Nominating Convention on Saturday, register now. May 21st -- Volunteer KickOff Meeting Greens from around Chicago got together Wednesday to kick-off the volunteer effort for the convention.
We are inviting organizations to table at this convention, and bring their goals and ideals into the hands and minds of America’s most active grassroots organizers and political activists. We have several options to choose from so, sign up now for a place at this historic meeting of people and ideas by completing the Exhibitor Application. May 17th -- Media Credential Application is now available If you would like to apply for media cedentials, please visit: http://www.gp.org/forms/media/ May 17th -- Kathy Kelly and Malik Rahim to speak at convention We are pleased to announce that Malik Rahim and Kathy Kelly will both speak at the convention. Kathy Kelly is a co-founder of Voices in the Wilderness and Voices and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for her work to end US/UN sanctions against Iraq. Malik Rahim is a co-founder of the Common Ground Collective, which has helped thousands in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Social Justice, Non-violence, Ecological Wisdom, and Grassroots Democracy are the four pillars of the Green Party, and we feel Kathy and Malik embody those principles in their word and deed. April 30th -- 2008 National Convention Site Goes Live The Green Party 2008 National Convention site went live today -- thanks to the hard work of the Illinois Green Party's convention support team, and the Annual National Meeting Committee of the GPUS. |