Chapter II. Social Justice. Section G. Labor

2024 Platform Amendment – 2024 Chapter II. Social Justice. Section G. Labor


Ecological wisdom demands that we greatly reduce automobile traffic. In the US, we put more miles on our cars commuting to work than doing anything else. 95% of U.S. workers commute by car, with only 9% using a carpool. It costs the employer in reduced productivity and work quality, and costs the employee precious time and most of what they spend on the car over its lifetime. Employees of contractors are specifically mentioned in this platform item as most protections for labor do not apply to this class of worker, though they should.

Sponsor: Iowa Green Party


Chapter II. Social Justice. Section G. Labor

New item after existing item #8, with items after it to be renumbered.


Added Language:

Employees, including employees of contractors, whose work responsibilities can be fulfilled from a home office (or other location external to the employer’s premises) should not be required to commute to the employer’s premises if they choose to work off site. Labor regulations should prohibit employers from penalizing workers who choose to work off site. This reform would encourage telecommuting and relieve urban traffic congestion, with a resulting reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Employees who choose to commute to the office would continue to be allowed to do so.

