Section 3 Ecological Sustainability, Letter O. Rights of Nature

2024 Platform Amendment – III Ecological Sustainability, O rights of Nature


Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals have toxic effects on the ability of natural systems to heal and regenerate themselves, with subsequent negative impacts on biodiversity; these chemicals must be reduced and ultimately eliminated.

Section 3 Ecological Sustainability, Letter O. Rights of Nature.

Current Language:

“We support the adoption of local, state, and federal laws which recognize the legal rights of natural communities and ecosystems – including wetlands, streams, rivers, aquifers, and other water systems – to exist, flourish, regenerate, naturally evolve, and be restored. We support the inclusion in those laws of the ability of people and communities to file legal actions in the name of the affected natural community or ecosystem, and for courts to require restoration of the natural community or ecosystem back to its pre-damaged state.”

Proposed Amendment: The language above would remain the same, but a subtopic under letter O. Rights of Nature would start with number 1. The text of which follows:

1. Regarding Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals. Greens recognize that human, animal, and plant life on this planet are not separate from nature. Functional harm to Nature from Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals [EDCs] must be reduced in the environment. Because EDC’s have toxic effects on the ability of natural systems to heal and regenerate themselves, with subsequent negative impacts on biodiversity; these chemicals must be reduced and ultimately eliminated . The Rights of Natural Systems to be free from harm by EDCs is in the best interest of present and future generations of human, animal, plant and systemic biomes in all soil, wetlands, freshwater and saltwater environments necessary to sustain life.

2. A responsible use policy for necessary EDC pharmaceuticals and chemotherapy waste as well as certain fire retardants should be implemented as well to protect the larger biosphere.


Lisa Canar, 915 N 79th St, Seattle, WA 98103, United States
Author: Alice B Green, 9215 Greenwood Ave N, #403, Seattle WA 98103
Margaret Elisabeth, GPWA National Delegate

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