Welcome to
Milwaukee! |
Green National Convention
June 23-28, 2004
Hyatt Regency and the Midwest Center
Milwaukee Wisconsin
WI and the Greater Milwaukee Green Party represent a great future
for the Green Party of the United States. Multi-racial. Working
class. Broad-based. Winning elections. Making Milwaukee a better
place to live. Milwaukee is a center of progressive organizing and
grassroots activism that improves our quality of life.
Wisconsin is home to 20 Green elected officials, the second highest
number in the country, and the highest per capita anywhere in the
America's Youth |
striving to help all traditionally under-represented people in this
country gain equal and proportionate representation the Green Party
of the U.S. welcomes Mobilizing America's Youth (MAY) to our 2004
Presidential Nominating Convention and encourages their overall
efforts towards empowering America's young people.
Learn more about M-A-Y. |
AUDIO and VIDEO files from Forward!2004.
> PHOTOS of Forward!2004.
MILWAUKEE, WI -- At 3:30 p.m. today, a strong majority of
delegates at Forward 2004! The Green National Convention
nominated David Cobb and running mate Pat LaMarche as their
candidates for the White House. The convention continues
this evening with a rally at the Midwest Center in Milwaukee,
Wisconsin that will feature Mr. Cobb, Ms. LaMarche, and many
other speakers and musicians.
> Read
the press release.
Saturday, June 24th
Candidates' Debate (mp3)
Green Party 2004 Convention – Matt Gonzalez President of San Francisco Board of Supervisors speaks to convention
Time: 10:22
Green Party 2004 Convention – Pat LaMarche Vice-Presidential acceptance
speech Introduced by Medea Benjamin of Code Pink who was the Green Party of
California's 2000 US Senate candidate.
Time: 17:01
Green Party 2004 Convention – David Cobb Presidential acceptance speech
Time: 21:04
Green Party 2004 Convention – Medea Benjamin
Founder of Code Pink and Global Exchange and 2000 California Green US
candidate speaks to convention delegates
Time: 11:44
Green Party 2004 Convention – Jason West, Scott McClarty
West (Mayor, New Paltz, NY) and McClarty (Media Committee Coordinator,
Green Party of the United States) speak to convention delegates
Time: 07:57
Green Party 2004 Convention – Efia Nwangaza
South Carolina Green US Senate candidate speaks to convention
delgates. Introduced by GP-US Coordinated Campaign Committee Tri-chairs Juscha
Robinson, Roy Williams and Tom Sevigny.
Time: 26:47
Green Party 2004 Convention – Wisconsin Greens
George Martin (state party co-chair) and Brian Benford (city
councilmember, Madison) are joined by Frank Zeidler (former Socialist
Mayor) to welcome convention delegates www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eogibcdug18
Time: 12:02
AUDIO from the campaign |

Photos: New Spark Media
Second round: Cobb 408, No Nominee 308, Mesplay
43, Beeman 8, abstain 3
First Round: Cobb 308 (385 needed), Nader
117.5, Camejo 118.5, No Nominee 74.5, Mesplay 23.5,
Salzman 40, Miller 9.5, NOTA (None of the Above) 35.5.
- candidates
- delegate count prior to convention
- final delegate tally
Camejo, Salzman, Miller and Nader were eliminated
because they did not indicate, in writing, that they
would accept the nomination as the Green Party
candidate for President. |
