is a city with a proud political heritage, in a state with a
rich progressive tradition. That tradition that lives on today
in the Wisconsin Green Party, and in Milwaukee Green
Alderperson Don Richards and Social Development Commissioner
Robert Miranda!
The celebration of May Day as International Workers Day has
its roots in the struggles of 19th century immigrant workers
in Milwaukee's Bay View community. Southeast Wisconsin's
opposition to slavery, and to the Fugitive Slave Act in
particular, gave rise to an abolitionist secession movement
which won significant support in the governor's office and
legislature both. Wisconsinites of the 20th century founded
such organizations as the National Organization for Women,
United States Student Association, National Education
Association, Sierra Club, AFSCME, among many others.
Wisconsin's most important political contributions have
included three major progressive political parties. The
Republican Party was founded as an abolitionist, pro-suffrage
party in Ripon, Wisconsin in the 1850s. The Progressive Party
had its hay day under the leadership of Fighting Bob and Belle
La Follette. The North American Green movement was co-founded
by Anishinabe (Chippewa) leader Walter Bresette, a Red Cliff,
Wisconsin activist. Furthermore, Milwaukee, Wisconsin served
as home to three generations of Socialist Party elected
officials, ending in 1956 with the completion of Frank
Zeidler's last term as Mayor. Zeidler still lives in
