2004 Convention
2004 Convention Register media schedule
We can build a more democratic society.



Out on the town in the Brew City

Milwaukee is filled with fun and excitement. Conference attendees have a multitude of attractions to visit in addition to our list below. Favorite attractions of visitors include: Milwaukee's art galleries and museums, fine theaters and performing arts centers, as well as tours of motorcycle factories, breweries, mansions and historic landmarks.

From the cool, sparkling water of Lake Michigan to the hot summer action of festivals, concerts, sports and countless outdoor activities, Milwaukee is the place to be. As "The Genuine American City," Milwaukee celebrates its melting pot heritage throughout the year with a delightful procession of ethnic festivals. AfricanWorld Festival, Asian Moon Festival, Bastille Days, Bavarian Folk Fest, Festa Italiana, German Fest, and many others are all colorful tributes to a cherished history.

 >> Milwaukee Attractions


Paid for by the Green Party of the United States: convention@gpus.org
Office: PO Box 57065 Washington, D.C. 20037  202-319-7191 or toll-free (US): 866-41GREEN GPHQ--at--gp.org