To: Credentials Committee, GPUS
Delegate Application – National Lavender Green Caucus
June 28, 2008
1.) Please provide the answers to question #1 below in the attached spreadsheet in your email response, and with a hard copy in your postal mail response.
I have attached the Excel spreadsheet with the contact information for our delegates.
2.) Is your caucus seeking credentialed delegates already been accredited as eligible for representation on the National Committee of the GPUS?
Yes. The National Lavender Green Caucus is an accredited caucus of the GPUS.
3.) Please provide copies of all portions of your state’s election law, which are relevant to the selection of delegates to a national convention, whether by primary, caucus, or petitions for national candidates.
4.) Please list the policy of your state party/caucus regarding:
(a) support of the Presidential Slate nominated by the Presidential Nominating Convention through the provision of its presidential ballot line where it exists; or, through the qualification of such nominated candidates as write-in candidates, if such is possible under the election laws of their state; and/or
(e) If there is no current policy on these subjects, the application shall state that the state Green Party has not adopted a policy on these subjects.”
The Lavender Caucus has no adopted policy regarding support of our national candidate. We generally refer to the GPUS bylaws and operating procedures for direction.
5.) Please include a copy of the approved minutes of your state convention, or other body authorized to name the delegation, which documents the delegates’ selection. If approved minutes are not available, the Application shall include other documentation of the delegates’ selection.
On June 3, 2008, the Lavender Caucus concluded election of delegates. 3 of our 4 alloted delegates were elected. Today, June 28, 2008, we have concluded approval of our 4th delegate, Alison Duncan, through consensus. Alison has registered for the Convention but will not be able to attend the Nomination portion of the Convention and will therefore need a proxy vote. Starlene Rankin ran as an Alternate pending confirmation that she would be able to attend the Convention. She will be attending as a full delegate.
I have signed this letter as the Secretary of the NLGC. Our two other officers, Co-chairs Jay Parks and Starlene Rankin, are also Convention delegates. Please let me know if their signatures are needed.
Election results follow.
Tim Casebolt
Secretary, National Lavender Green Caucus