GPUS Steering Committee Minutes, 27 August 2017
A) SC to sign on to US-South Korean People’s Petition for Peace
B) Jill Stein to represent GP at upcoming peace movement events with a Korean focus
C) Nothing new received for the voting queue
D) Speakers Bureau project off to a good start
E) Green Party presence at People’s Convergence Conference in DC 9 September discussed
A recording of the call is available at 712-451-0309, #926334, reference #5.
The full minutes are available at
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Jody Grage, Secretary
GPUS Steering Committee Minutes, 27 August 2017
a) Facilitator: Sid Smith
b) Roll Call – Jody Grage, Mike Dennis, Chris Blankenhorn, Andrea Merida (left call after two hour), Gloria Mattera, Darlene Elias, Darryl! Moch, Hillary Kane (on call after 45 minutes)
Not on call – George Martin
Observers – David Gerry MA/BRPP, Starlene Rankin OR/LAV/Staff, Tamar Yager/FunCom
c) Agenda revisions – add Cheri Honkala lawsuit eblast and People’s Convergence Conference to New Business
a) Request for SC to sign on to US-South Korean People’s Petition for Peace – Gloria
Join the growing chorus of voices for peace, justice and security, from the people of the US, South Korea and beyond! Sign the US-South Korean People’s Petition for Peace by clicking here! The petition is supported by a growing coalition of international advocates for peace and human rights, including Cornel West, Alice Walker, Medea Benjamin, Chris Hedges, Chase Iron Eyes, Miko Peled, Cheri Honkala and more.
Discussion re: time sensitivity – consensus to approve
b) Approve Jill Stein to represent GP at upcoming peace movement events with a Korean focus – Gloria
Need to consider GPUS platform and coordinate with Scott and Adrian; take appropriate GPUS lit; may be fundraising opportunity; coordinate with GPUS social media; Peace Committee in formation needs to be in the loop; process being developed – see Speakers Bureau below; consensus to approve
c) Discussion: Speakers Bureau/Spokespeople – criteria, process, etc.
Bylaws refer to SC role and subject matter experts; Scott, Adrian, George, and other SC members and staff logical sources for expertise and list of experts; list should have sorting ability by speaker demographic – age, region/state, etc.; former speaker list also a resource; list of topics to be started by Adrian; Cynthia in office could maintain list of requests; need to consider expenses for travel, registration, etc. provided by those making requests; suggestion to utilize SC members in appropriate topics as first option; vetting of speakers important; Green Shadow Cabinet a model; need to publicize to increase visibility of GP; currently Outreach budget absorbing costs; asking Adrian and Scott to compile a sharable list on Google Docs that includes tiers of potential speakers; preparation include materials, state party co-chair connections, eblast to state, link with experts, etc.; Darryl! will report back on what staff has already done toward the speakers bureau and post into Google Docs
d) Discussion: Staff Recommendations to the Steering Committee – All
Suggested recommendations need clarification – prioritizing, long-term/short-term designations, approximate time to develop, grouping of items that could be worked on together, etc.; first tier of actionable items include strategic plan, committee reports, individual SC member tasks and accountability; SC online discussions encouraged; consider what SC can decide; some will be cultural changes; Mike and Gloria will organize components to facilitate further work
e) Cheri Honkala election fraud lawsuit eblast request – Mike Dennis
14 September court case – motion to dismiss by Dems; info eblast with one donate link; Cheri to write press release which will be forwarded by GPUS; Mike and Hillary may be at press conference before or after as GPUS SC members – consensus
f) People’s Convergence Conference in DC 9 September – Gloria
Kshama Sawant and Cornel West main speakers to date; PIP effort to support Bernie; GPUS was invited – Darryl! has accepted to show GP as viable option and to encourage joining the GP, in DC so no expenses; larger events such as this need to come to SC rather than just Outreach because of political and financial concerns; discussion – speaker, just tabling, GPUS or DC Statehood Greens, press release; will get info on tabling fee, context for Darryl! speaking, why GPUS was invited; Scott will be asked to draft press release; options: press release only, DC Statehood Greens handle as they wish, Darryl! speak; online decision to be based on information gathered
a) Treasurer’s report – Hillary Kane
Answers to security questions needed to log into bank account; Darryl! reports account balances $166,793.18 (reserves $74,369.20; checking $75,437.13, merch $16,981.85); Hugh Esco paid as well as standard expenses, tabling in Philly expenses were $250 rather than $400 approved; FEC report preparation transitioning from Tamar to Hillary and FEC requests for info are being processed; discussion continuing with gateway service on chargeback issues; reimbursements need itemized information for FEC; better record keeping and tighter policies needed; Quick Books prices actually $35/mo first 6 months and $50/mo (rather than $36 and $43) for plan that includes issuing 1099’s – consensus to approve; $7032 in paypal account;, Google changing internet security – $50 to purchase SSL for non-NationBuilder accounts – consensus to approve
b) Fundraising report – Tamar Yager/Starlene Rankin
Jill eblast brought in $1200 + 15 sustainers; BAC eblast $1654; next direct mail to all Jill donors; next regular direct mail also in process
income spreadsheet drafts show where money coming from but don’t completely match amounts yet; $29k bequest skews amounts, $17k check from Stein campaign to operating reserves per prior SC decision; ANM about broke even; reserve tab not up to date; Youth Caucus has raised about $2k; one time donations dropping off
c) Personnel Working Group report – Darryl! – no update
d) Committee Liaisons – assignments due by 15 September – Jody
Continue on line; Jody and Chris aiming to complete by Tuesday evening
In the queue:
a) Adopting Approval Voting for Internal Elections – TX – discussion 8/21/17-9/10/17, voting 9/11/17-9/17/17; Floor Manager
b) Clarification on By-Laws Regarding Resignation Timelines – Youth Caucus – discussion 8/21/17-9/3/17, voting 9/4/17-9/1017; Floor Manager Mike Dennis
c) Correction of Outdated Education Plank – PlatCom – discussion 8/21/17-8/27/17, voting 8/28/17-9/3/17, Floor Manager Jody Grage
d) Approval of Travis Christal for GPUS Finance Committee – FinCom – discussion 8/21/17-9/3/17, voting 9/4/17-9/10/17, Floor Manager Chris Blankenhorn
e) Approval of Tamar Yager for GPUS Finance Committee – FinCom – discussion 8/21/17-9/3/17, voting 9/4/17-9/10/17, Floor Manager Chris Blankenhorn
Received for the queue: None
a) ETC Final Report – no update
b) Annual National Meeting – Hillary Kane/Tamar Yager
Request sent for 2018 – Portland OR, OH, and Memphis from AR; 6 September deadline; hope to announce by mid October; proposal being rewritten to have ANM and SC determine ANM site
c) Voting page maintenance/tech issues progress report – Chris – 5 min. –
Just sent email backlog list to Hugh; will ask Hugh to group items to facilitate work; Approval Voting passage would require changes – and other voting proposals are being written
d) Letter of support for Pacifica – Andrea (no longer on call)
Darryl! will contact Scott; if letter is still needed it will be drafted and forwarded to Jody to send
e) Discussion – Update on GPCO – GPCO – no update, Dispute Resolution Committee – no update, Accreditation Committee – no update
Need for procedures for state Green Party concerns that are not being resolved at the state level – Accreditation, Dispute Resolution, and/or BRPP rules could be amended; need ongoing dialogue about this and may need budget line for paid mediators; Ongoing Business
f) Discussion – Enhancing our communications and meeting capacities – Darryl!
David Doonan doing research; several platforms being suggested; each SC member is urged to try the forum for first-hand knowledge – David will be asked to send passwords again, forum works on cell phones, may not be what we need now; need limited access sections for committees, etc.; include in new “Ongoing Business” section of agenda
g) Review of February retreat and other strategic planning meetings for new members – Andrea, Chris, Darryl!
More records being sought since only one screen shot has been located to date; Mike will work to have Google Docs ready for next call and will also consult with staff who are using Google Docs.
For call recording: 712-451-0309, #026334, reference #5
TOTAL TIME: 3 hr 34 min
Jody Grage, Secretary