October 22, 2017

GPUS Steering Committee Minutes, 22 October 2017


1. New Business: FinCom (Finance Committee) to make recommendation on policies for staff acquiring their work computers.

2. Standing Business: Balance in all accounts -$144,367.74 – down $6,188 from 8 October; Authorized expenses – Up to $180 from Youth Caucus and Outreach Committee for Youth Caucus members to attend the SOAW (School of the Americas Watch) Border Encuentro in Tucson 10-12 November; up to $200 from Outreach Committee for two “Green New Deal” banners; $1785.82 (budget line to be determined) for computer purchase for David Doonan approved online – other staff may need computers in the future; $352.52 from Latinx Caucus ($250) and another budget line to be determined ($102.52) for costs for Cheri Honkala to attend the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign in DC on 2 October.

3. Voting Queue: Proposal to Amend the Rules of the Green Party Peace Action Committee (GPAX), Amend Annual National Meeting Committee Bylaws/Mission Statement/ Committee Rules, Correction of Outdated HIV/AIDS Platform Plank

4. Old Business: Updates on ETC (Election Tabulation Committee), Strategic Planning, Speakers
Bureau, Elections Database Phase II and III

5. Executive Session: Decisions: Reconfiguration of staffing which may include reconstruction of job descriptions will be necessary to work within the income restraints of the 2018 budget; FinCom will consider this in making it’s 2017 Budget recommendations to the SC (Steering Committee).

The full minutes are available at http://gpus.org/committees/steering/minutes/october-22-2017/

The call recording is available at 712-451-0309, 926334#, reference 9
[sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://gpus.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/2017-10-23_9.mp3″]

Jody Grage, Secretary

GPUS Steering Committee Minutes, 22 October 2017


a) Facilitator: Holly Hart

b) Roll Call – Jody Grage, Chris Blankenhorn, Hillary Kane, Gloria Mattera, Darryl! Moch, George Martin, Mike Dennis, Andrea Merida (on at 9:30)

Absent: Darlene Elias

Observer – David Gerry MA, Starlene Rankin OR, Tamar Yager VA

d) Agenda revision suggestions – none


a) Staff computer purchase protocol development – Hillary
Fincom (Finance Committee) will make a recommendation to the SC (Steering Committee) to define policies for employees acquiring their work computers.


a) Treasurer’s report – Hillary Kane, 20 min.

Current account balances – savings/reserve $74,378.85, checking $27,106.00, merchandise, etc. $42,882.89, total in all accounts $144,182.99 total – down $6,188 from 8 October.

Treasurer’s Report for September 2017 to the GNC sent; FEC report submitting on time on 20 October; also now voiding phony transactions since no catchcha code in NationBuilder. Discussion of looking for improved options within and outside of NationBuilder; Mike will begin investigation

Outreach Committee budget requests:

1) $550 for travel by Adrian to Tucson 10-12 November for the School of the Americas Watch (SOAW) Border Encuentro

Proposal amended to request up to $180 for expenses for Youth Caucus members to attend. Youth Caucus will let Hillary know how much they have raised and the Outreach Committee will pay the balance of the $180 – consensus

2) Up to $200 for two “Green New Deal” banners (6’x3′ for tabling and 20’x4′ for demonstrations) and materials for a reusable shipping container, the banners to be available for states and caucuses to borrow for only shipping charges – consensus

Annual National Meeting final report – on next call

Computer purchase for David Doonan approved online – $1785.82 with budget line item to be determined; other staff made need computers in the future.

Staff health care update – Hillary is enrolling staff in Zane Benefits: People Keep, a health care reimbursement program – receipts from 1 October on to be turned in for reimbursement

Payment of costs for Cheri Honkala to attend the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign in DC on 2 October – Latinx Caucus agreed to fund up to $250, total cost $352.52, Hillary was check with Diversity Committee about funding the balance – consensus

b) Fundraising report – Starlene Rankin, 5 min.

Brought in about $10k in October plus direct mail (about $2k) and credit cards (about $200) to be entered this week; CA fires eblast brought in $485 with 9 new sustainers; BAC (one eblast a month) written by Michael Trudeau sent Saturday brought in $743 already and will be resent Monday morning. Cynthia Joseph (staff) writing eblast for next week; donation from Jill/Ajamu letter and regular donor letter written by Mike Dennis starting to come in; Thanksgiving theme with merch tote bags as premium for sustainers planned; about ready to begin phonebanking by new volunteers; annual appeal for reciprocal list sharing with states going out; voter registration lists from states that don’t charge for them have been ordered and a proposal in being written to pay for the lists from states that charge; new Facebook ad that will offer a sticker as premium funded in budget and being developed; NationBuilder has not been helpful in dealing with spam donations – that contract is up in February

c) Personnel Working Group report – Darryl!, 5 min.

Need to begin meeting, Darryl! will send post to current members (Jeff, Andrea, and Maya O’Conner) to see if they want to remain on the committee and to new volunteers (Gloria, Tamar, and Jody) ; need to work on gathering documents on job postings, offer letters, etc.

IV. VOTING QUEUE – Jody – 5 min.

In the queue:

Amend the Rules of the Green Party Peace Action Committee (GPAX); Presenter: GPAX; Floor Manager: Gloria Matters; threshold: 1/2; Voting 10/16/17-10/22/17;

Amend Annual National Meeting Committee Bylaws/Mission Statement/ Committee Rules;
Presenter: SC; Floor Manager: Chris Blankenhorn; 2/3 threshold; Discussion 10/16/17-11/05/17, Voting 11/06/17-11/12/17; ; https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FqPE85h5jBmxHEXaHcY2qY2DuzY7245OxlsQfo4w0WE/edit?usp=sharing

Correction of Outdated HIV/AIDS Platform Plank; Presenter: Platform Committee; Floor Manager: Gloria Mattera; 2/3 threshold; Discussion 10/16/17-10/29/17, Voting 10/30/17-11/05/17; https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WVhRJvB76CtPkoHtHwNs7H0jka4gSFb6Y8mkB1Zwe1g/edit?usp=sharing

Received for the queue: None

V. OLD BUSINESS – 30 min

a) Election Tabulation Committee (ETC) Final Report – 5 min
No update; committee members David and Holly report they are still waiting for Violet Rose to submit the record of the hand count and Frank Young to submit the report; the ETC should publish the report within 30 days of the election; discussion of paper ballots; only a couple people that actually couldn’t get in to vote; NC supposed to verify the election after the report comes out

b) Brief updates – 20 min
1. Strategic Planning – review current Strategic Plan to inform further discussion; George will lead this work and Jody will help if/as necessary; Chris will send link to current Strategic Plan to the SC list

2. Speakers Bureau – Darryl! – staff evaluation included info from Scott and Cynthia who continue to
work on the list and vetting suggested speakers; SC approves this work plan; Chris will do liaison task if necessary

3. Election Database Phase II and III update – Hillary – email to Mike Feinstein got no response; the post clarified that there would be only up to $1k advance payment; there is some indication that work has begun; Hillary will follow up

4. Voting page maintenance/tech issues update – Chris – Nothing to report at this time

End recording of call – 9:15 pm Eastern


Roll call: Jody, Hillary, Chris, George, Mike, Gloria, Darryl!, Andrea

Decisions: Reconfiguration of staffing which may include reconstruction of job descriptions will be necessary to work within the income restraints of the 2018 budget; FinCom will consider this in making it’s 2017 Budget recommendations to the SC.

End of Executive Session – 10:40 pm Eastern

TOTAL TIME: 2 hour 40 minutes

Jody Grage, Secretary