Web Content Sub-Committee – Mission & Operating Procedures

(approved by the Steering Committee 10-27-13)

I. Mission

1-1 The Web Content Sub-Committee (WCSC) works with the Webmaster, Media Committee, and other Greens to ensure the content on the GPUS website is as current, accurate, clear, and complete as possible; that it works to create a positive image of the party; and that it reflects the Green Party’s mission, goals and values. Web content includes news and opinion content, GPUS-specific content such as party history and structure, and internal user content such as committee pages.

II. Membership

2-1 Members shall automatically include the GPUS Webmaster, Media Director, and any other Steering Committee members who wish to join.

2-2 The Steering Committee may also appoint additional members. Appointed members shall include those with expertise in areas within the scope of the Mission.

2-3 WCSC members should have some expertise in writing, editing, HTML, graphic design, photography, or other web-related skills. The group’s membership should also be diverse in terms of race, gender, age, sexual orientation, and states/localities represented. The Steering Committee should be proactive in recruiting members to achieve diversity.

2-4 The WCSC may appoint members to head up certain areas or functions of the website.

2-5 Each time an appointment is made to the WCSC and/or each time this Mission Statement and Operating Procedures are amended, it shall be included in the minutes of the Steering Committee and reported to the National Committee along with those minutes.

2-6 Where a committee member’s participation is not in keeping with the Mission, the Steering Committee reserves the right to remove said member for cause. If a vote of removal for cause is taken, it shall be included in the minutes of the Steering Committee and reported to the National Committee along with those minutes.

III. Operating Procedures

3-1 The WCSC shall have an email list, with archive, that shall be open to all members.

3-2 The WCSC shall name a chair or co-chairs.

3-3 The chair(s) shall lead the WCSC in developing priorities for website content development and maintenance, and developing timelines, deadlines and assignments for such work to be completed.

3-4 The WCSC shall report on its activities at least monthly to the Steering Committee, and shall develop systems for the general membership and public to send feedback about and through the website.

archival link