Gary Frazier Bio

Gary C. Frazier Jr. 42 is an activist and organizer from Camden, NJ. In 2016, he was the East Coast Coordinator/Director for Black Men for Bernie during the Presidential Democratic Party Primary. Gary had 3 National appearances on CNN in which he warned the Democrats about their open engagement in racial divide, bigotry and voter suppression and failure to allow for an open contested primary that resulted in Senator Bernie Sanders as The Presidential Democratic Nominee would render huge repercussions to the Democratic Party in nominating Secretary Hillary Clinton. Senator Sanders would go on to endorse Clinton but the revolution that he started Would not fall in line, causing an explosion of the Progressive Left and Millennials into the Green Party Which has seen its number base soar to more than 100,000 registered greens in California alone. In New Jersey as of December 2014, there were 1,302 registered Greens in New Jersey, with the highest registration numbers in Bergen, Monmouth, Middlesex, and Camden counties. In May 2016, the Green Party of New Jersey saw a spike in registration, registering as many new voters in the past two months as it had in the past four years. By the end of 2016, there were 3,252 voters registered as Green. In the 2016 Election, Green Party City Council Candidate Gary Frazier received 6% of the vote from Camden NJ and Green Congressional Candidates Raj Mailiah and Steve Welzer each received 0.7%. As of November 2017, ten New Jersey counties now have local affiliates recognized by the state party: Monmouth, Ocean, Atlantic, Gloucester, Essex, Camden, Bergen, Union, Mercer, and Morris/Sussex/Warren. The Green Party of New Jersey’s 2017 gubernatorial candidate was Rev. Seth Kaper-Dale of Highland Park. Gary has planted his feet into growing the Green Party of New Jersey’s Black Caucus since the 2016 election in which he has held co-chair and serves now as the states Black Caucus Liaison, the County of Camden’s Co VP as well as the Co-chair of the Green Party of NJ and Delegate to Green Party U.S. The state has also seen it’s first host of black Women as a result of Gary’s grassroots background hailing from a marginalized city like Camden NJ.

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Elected officials

In the 2017 election, Green Jessica Clayton of Brick was elected to the Brick Board of Education as a non-partisan candidate and as of today there are more than 6,700 plus registered Greens in the State of New Jersey.

Gary continues to diversify the Green Party working hand in hand with the Latinx Caucus whom both have a host of local candidates running for elected office in 2018, All whom joined the Green Party including Candidate Zellie Thomas a blm organizer currently seeking Newark’s City Council @ large seat as well as Johnnie Lattner, also a Newark native and Traditional Community Schools Pioneer under the Journey for Justice Alliance headed by National Representative Jintu Brown vying for an elected school board position.

Below is a list of Gary’s work up to and leading to his entrance into the Green Party

Here is Frazier’s latest accomplishment in which he is currently suing the DNC, Hillary Clinton, and Donna Brasile. Frazier and Attorney Burkman have accused the DNC and Hillary Clinton of fraud, negligence, and violating their charter as a non-profit. Frazier contests that examining the servers will finally lead to answers in the Seth Rich murder case. Rich, a known Bernie Supporter, was working as a DNC data analyst at the time of his death. Theories suggest he was killed because he had been the ‘leaker’

Hot off the Press Update February 26, 2018
Gary Frazier sues the DNC

From WND October 24, 2017.
“Democrat teams with Republican to solve Seth Rich murder”
“A Bernie Sanders campaign organizer and longtime Democrat joined forces with a Republican lobbyist and attorney to file a federal lawsuit against Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee for the release of the hacked DNC server they claim will reveal key information in solving the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich. Washington D.C.-based attorney Jack Burkman filed the suit on Tuesday in D.C. Superior Court along with the East Coast director of Black Men for Bernie, Gary Frazier. At a press conference in front of DNC headquarters, Burkman asserted the DNC server will irrefutably prove the Democratic 2016 primary was rigged against Sanders, resolve whether Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential race and provide the “key” to solving the Rich murder mystery. “In this case, we will finally, after a year and a half, get these servers. That, among other pieces of evidence, is probably the single most important piece of evidence in this case,” he said. “That will shed light on the entire Seth Rich mystery – we will know whether he was the leaker, we will know whether the Russians were involved, we will know whether WikiLeaks was involved.””
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From PR News Channel November 14, 2017.
“On Tuesday, Jack Burkman, lawyer/community activist and director of The Profile Project, amended a lawsuit filed late last month against Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee, to now include Donna Brazile, the former interim DNC chair, after she dropped two bombshells in her new book Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House that speak directly to what happened to Seth Rich and the role the DNC allegedly played to ensure Hillary Clinton won the primary over Bernie Sanders.
Jack Burkman, who established the independent The Profiling Project to discover the truth about the unsolved murder, says by filing a lawsuit Ms. Brazile will be forced to say what she knows—under oath. “If this were a random murder like police have maintained, why did Ms. Brazile fear for her own life,” says Burkman. He says Brazile can clearly also offer critical information about what role the DNC Hillary Clinton’s primary win. The lawsuit filed today in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, will compel former DNC chair Donna Brazile to tell what she knows about the murder and explain why she feared for her own life.”
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Gary Frazier Sues The DNC 
In October 2017, Gary & attorney Jack Burkman filed federal suit against Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee, seeking release of the hacked DNC server that they believe will prove the 2016 primary was rigged against Bernie Sanders and solve the mysterious circumstances surrounding the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich.
Here is the full lawsuit filed November 5, 2017

A Bernie Sanders campaign organizer and Green Party Member has filed a lawsuit today accusing the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary Clinton of fraud and seeking access to their servers – a move that his lawyer believes will solve the murder of DNC staff member Seth Rich. Gary Frazier, an organizer with Black Men for Bernie and DNC contributor, claims that the DNC and Clinton committed fraud, negligence, and violated their charter as a non-profit, political organization during the 2016 presidential primary. He also accuses the DNC of being negligent with his personal and financial information and making it vulnerable to hackers. On June 14, 2016, the DNC database was compromised by Russian government hackers, security sources told the Washington Post. A Kremlin spokesman ruled out Russian involvement but day later, solo, anonymous hacker ‘Guccifer 2.0’ took credit for hacking the DNC database, saying it was ‘very easy’ on his website.

Black Men for Bernie” East Coast Coordinator Gary Frazier 1ST Appears on CNN to warn America that Hillary Clinton will never be president
This is Gary’s first appearance on Cnn in which he vowed Hillary Clinton would never be Our President. His words hold true as Today the President of the Untied States is Donald J. Trump. Here examines the poise of Frazier as he comfortable expels the 55% of voters securely tucked just awaiting Any concession by Sanders. Frazier Quote “You can’t expose Us to the corruption of the two-party system and then ask Us to get back in line with that same corruption,” can be heard echoing around the country as many Sander supporters began promptly following the call pouring into Philadelphia.

Gary Frazier of Black Men for Bernie speaks to Bernie Sanders supporters during a meeting on the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Gary Frazier of Black Men for Bernie speaks to Bernie Sanders supporters during a meeting on the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. (Emma Lee/WHYY) “On the fourth day of the Democratic Convention — win, lose or draw — we will deliver a coffin to the DNC, and that coffin will contain every signature of every voter that was a Democrat that will now de-register from them,” he said.

Frazier co-Executive to Philly FYI Organizes in Camden NJ urges residents to register Green
Frazier co-Executive to Philly FYI Organizes in Camden NJ urging residents to register Green and to see the Revolution they needed to be included in as Sanders lacked the afro American support. Frazier’s passion along with the wits of Billy Taylor secured 4 of 6 of the Cities Permits granting them sole control over the Revolutions ground game. There also was involvement of the Philadelphia Green Party led by Cheri Honkala a powerful activist and organizer for the Poor People’s Campaign. Numerous conversations were held to shift the tens of thousands into the Green Party if and when Senator Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton and certainly was carried out on the 4th day of the DNC National Convention.

Frazier and Taylor’s final pledge to the Dnc
Frazier and Taylor’s final pledge to the Dnc:
The Party shall endorse the “Voters’ Rights Amendment Act” of 2015. This legislation would provide for
same-day registration,
automatic voter registration at the age of eighteen,
equitable and sufficient polling stations and staff, and
elimination of all requirements which interfere with the right to vote.
abolish all voter identification laws
Pertaining to this issue, there shall be, in all federal elections, a national standard determining:
the number, placement, and ADA accessibility of polling locations;
the required number of poll workers, and the required training;
and the type of voting machines allowed, based on an independent analysis of security, transparency, and auditing capabilities.
As to the issue of protecting and enhancing the right to vote, there shall be:
a national standard for all elections regarding exit polling, including the creation of an independent commission that verifies all results which substantially deviate from their exit polling. This verification must be completed before those results may be certified.
Further, voting results would be prohibited to be certified unless and until, all incidents of irregularities and disenfranchisement were fully resolved to the approval of the established independent commission.

See Frazier and Taylor Live on Sane Progressives with Debbie
Serving as Co-Chair Gary and Philadelphia’s own then 31-year-old Activist Billy Taylor (chair) Formulated the Philly.FYI organization in which Taylor housed majority of the permits for The Democratic National Convention galvanizing some more than 40,000 protesters from all across the country All in favor of the Bernie or Bust Movement, simply put: Bernie as President or they leave the Democratic
Party. Sanders at that time clinched some 55% of the voters while Hillary Clinton held a mere 13% of the Independent Voters
(See Taylor housing permits to DNC)

GARY FRAZIER 2nd appearance on CNN in which he delivers a Powerful message TO DNC AND HILLARY CLINTON TO NOMINATE SENATOR SANDERS AS THE PRESEDENTIAL NIOMINEE OR FACE DEMEXIT. Keep in mind during this time Gary has already registered Green and was on the ballot in Camden NJ as Green Party Candidate.

This is the full Cnn interview as CNN has shortened this for the National Audience.

Black Men for Bernie East Coast Coordinator Gary Frazier Says Thank you for restoring faith in the people. Bernie Sanders in Interfaith Discussion on Social Justice in Philadelphia, PA (4-22-16)…
Gary Frazier thanked Sanders for starting this revolution and to also pay homage to Sanders. Frazier learned of Sanders march with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and found proof of Senator Sanders Chained to 2 Afro American Women will fighting for civil rights.
“If no one else is going to thank Sanders for fighting for the rights of my Race I damn Sure am and I will do it all across this Country, for free!”

Frazier leads the #DemExit demonstration from Camden NJ over the Ben Franklin Bridge to the DNC in Philadelphia
Gary Frazier has taken the Revolution serious and begins the march on the DNC with this Monumental March which for Frazier symbolizes
and proceeded to run for city council at-large as a member of the Green Party, getting 6% of the vote. He now serves as CO Chair to the Green Party of NJ, Co-Vice Chair of the Camden County Green Party, Green Council liaison of the Black Caucus for the Green Party of New Jersey. He is also a Delegate for Green Party Us representing GPNJ.

Gary Frazier’s 3rd appearance on CNN
This is Gary’s 3rd appearance on Cnn a heated debate! Here Frazier opened Pandora’s box as he agreed with Republican commentator about established democrats in minority Cities all across the Country. Frazier, lashed at the Obama Administration for its lack of voice on voter’s suppression and for using the race card to get POC in line for Hillary Clinton. He told America; “First you sent us Lebron James, then you sent us Oprah.” He also slammed the first Lady Michelle Obama for using the slaves building of the White House to try and gain support for Democratic Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton.

Gary Frazier Green Party Candidate speaks before thousands after leaving CNN interview as Senator Sanders endorses Hillary Clinton
Frazier electrifies thousands as the process for the revolution begins to unfold as massive deregistration take Place at City Hall in Philadelphia

Philly Organizer and NJ Green member Jamhar James help deliver coffin to DNC during the contested Democratic National Convention
Organizations like Occupy Dnc, Bernie or Bust, Black Men for Bernie, Movements for Bernie Democracy Spring, The Poor People’s Campaign DC to DNC and the March for Our lives worked behind the scenes organizing some more than 40,000 people to Philadelphia and the strategic planning of both Gary Frazier and Billy Taylor helped make history for the Green Party as they held rallies for 4 days ending in a delivery of a casket of New Voters Registration demexiting into the Green Party.

The Revolution Continues for Gary Frazier as he parts ways with Black men for Bernie
Responding to Sanders’ recent admission that he would most likely vote for Clinton, Frazier stated that “Bernie can do what he wants to do. [But] real change has to come.”
Frazier added that the momentum the group has gained so far educating voters — Black and white — should not go to waste because Sanders doesn’t win. Instead, he said, it should be used to spark more change.
“How do you turn folks away?” he said. “[And] why would we turn back to something that keeps us in the same condition?”
Frazier used the issue of mass incarceration, which overwhelmingly affects Black families, as an example of an issue that worsens, despite who is in political leadership.
“These guys that come home from the [correctional] institutions — they don’t have anything and you wonder why we have high crime rates,” he argued. “This is about raising the bar about issues that continue to get covered up. Our conditions don’t change.”

Ignored by Mainstream News
Gary C. Frazier Jr. and Rodolfo Munoz Faced Discrimination by Police and a Federal Marshal at GNC, and No One Noticed. Lookup coverage of the 2016 Green Party National Convention in Houston, TX, and you’ll find an assortment of summaries from news outlets otherwise too busy with Drumpf and Clinton scandal to dive into the Convention’s substance, and highlights on the Convention’s more famous appearances like Dr. Cornel West, controversial Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, and, of course, presidential nominee Jill Stein. You may even find one or two Op Ed’s critiquing the Convention’s lack of budget and control over message but these are usually written by people who think unwealthy, uncensored democracy is just gross, apparently. Try and find news accounts covering how, not one, but two Green Party candidates faced harassment from authorities and you’ll run into an odd corner of the internet resembling a virtual desert town; tumbleweeds, rolling stale information to a couple of subject houses that are somewhat related to your search. This is unacceptable. Had the following series of events happened to delegates at the DNC or Democratic candidates, it would have made a headline.

Gary Frazier with Cornel West after being harassed at The GNC in Houston Texas

Gary Frazier gives Jill Stein 5 Delegates from The Green Party of New jersey helping Jill Stein and Ajuma Baraka Clinch the Green Party Presidential

Frazier begins campaigning for himself and Jill Stein