June 6, 2006

GPUS-SC Conference Call
6 June 2006
9:00 p.m. EDT

Jody Haug, Jake Schneider, Holly Hart, Budd Dickinson, Rebecca Rotzler, Brent McMillan, Emil Citkowski, Steve Kramer, Gwen Wages

Facilitator: Rebecca
Timekeeper: Jody

Abbreviations used:
AC = Accreditation Committee
ANM, ANMC = Annual National Meeting Committee
BAWG = Ballot Access Working Group
BRPP = Bylaws, Rules, Policies and Procedures Committee
BC = Black Caucus
CC = Coordinating Committee
CCC = Coordinated Campaign Committee
CG SC = Campus Greens Steering Committee
ComCom = Communications Committee
DC = Diversity Committee
DIA = Democracy in Action internet service
DRC = Dispute Resolution Committee
FC = Fundraising Committee
FEC = Federal Election Commission
GP = Green Party
IC = International Committee
LC = Lavender Caucus
NPWG = Nominating Process Working Group
NWC = National Women’s Caucus
PEC = Presidential Exploratory Committee
PCSC = Presidential Campaign Support Committee
SC = Steering Committee
SPWG = Strategic Plan Working Group
[Brackets denote editor’s suggested corrections. Some punctuation corrections done with no content change. -ed.]

a. Operations Director – Emily
Emily and Richard Scott have discussed setting up a bookstore on our website (books by Greens, Green themes, etc); promote with a guest reviewer, either monthly or quarterly, depending on interest. They were contacted by Peter Camejo’s assistant asking to put his book about GPUS for $7; $15 cover price, GPUS gets the rest minus postage.

Discussion of whether to include any book whose author requests, or whether they should be selected in some way.

Rebecca will refer this Merchandise and Media Committees to work out details.

b. Political Director — BRENT
i. CCC – there are currently 294 Green candidates; 23 added in last 3 days, more are expected.

CCC is focusing on making changes to their campaign resources and contributions program. They have created a long applications form for candidates requesting financial assistance, a short form for everything else.

CCC is also working on a proposal to change CCC P&P’s – to change 1-year terms to two-year staggered terms. 80-90% turnover from year to year is high, hurts institutional memory of the committee.

Brent visited Maryland on Saturday, and spoke at the MDGP Assembly.

Brent attended the Re-uniting America retreat in Michigan. They would like to hold town meetings across country, described as “trans-partisan” – beyond partisan politics – leading toward a national summit in 2008. One point of agreement was around the need for election reform. Brent brought back a a lot of materials, and will have charts and materials available for the national meeting. He will be doing a workshop at the national meeting. Brent also recruited a few more Greens at the retreat.

ii. Ballot access update
GP-Arkansas did not submit enough signatures to get their ballot line. This was expected. The next step is to file a lawsuit.

GP-Texas also failed to submit enough signatures.

Catching up with work load. Interviews for west coast fundraiser. Prospect mailing involving Michael Berg went out, returns expected starting around June 12. Current goal is to get to printer for re-solicitation by June 23.

Bills are being paid, funds are “skinny.” Jake will talk to FinCom about proposing holding off paying out second quarter of state sharing until after the annual meeting.



222 – SC: Resolution to Amend the Rules and Procedures on Steering Committee Elections Policy
Discussion through 6/11/06
Voting period: 6/12/06 – 6/18-06
Kramer// 2/3

223 – CCC: Creation of National Green Party House and Senatorial campaign committees
Discussion through 6/11/06
Voting period: 6/12/06 – 6/18/06
Sanson// 2/3

received 5/15/06 – AZGP: GPUS sign-on as a supporting organization with VotersForPeace and the Voter’s Pledge
(Brent, Emily, Jody and Budd were at their kick-off event in D.C.)
2 weeks discussion, 1 week vote
Floor manager: Hart// 1/2

received 6/4/06 – WAGP: Resolution to Support the Work of the Nonviolent Peaceforce
2 weeks discussion, 1 week vote
Floor manager: Grage/ 1/2
Link – Include in resources in proposal.

GPUS does not have funds to build a new elections database. Terms of what’s being asked and proposal for analysis for current database are not acceptable. Brent has been asked by FinCom to make sure he is doing regular back-ups of data.

Steve has spoken with an IT professional IT who might be interested in the work. SC agreed that we need a contract up-front.

Executive session – 10:05 – 10:12 p.m.
Personnel, contract issues

– Now taking nominations for meeting facilitators!!
– Now taking nominations for SC co-chair candidates!!

Contract for Claudia Ellquist, meeting coordinator.
PROPOSAL (Jake) – that Emily will send out contract to Claudia and SC; if there are no objections, Jake is authorized to sign the contract. AGREED

Registration page: reporting page will be ready by beginning of next week.
Hugh Esco will send Emily all data.

DivCom subcommittee has completed their form for diversity registration waiver application and are in the process of getting committee approval for the form.

Gwen will continue to try to reach Black Caucus co-chairs.

VII. SC P&P’s – Jody and everyone else
Some headway has been made, feedback offered; needed sections are being filled.
Hope to approve at next meeting to send this to the voting queue.

NEXT MEETING; Monday, June 19, 9:00 p.m.
Holly Hart
Secretary, GPUS
Minimally edited and HTML formatted by Charlie Green