(elected 2006)
The Green Party of the U.S. has been in financial difficulty since before I took office. In addition to being persistently frugal, I have instituted many changes in our financial procedures that have lowered our costs during my time in office. I am determined that we will survive long enough to thrive!
I realize that we have an enormous number of things we could and should be doing, so we will never have enough money. But I would like us to achieve a comfortable level of solvency, especially since I don’t intend to run for re-election again and as things are now, being treasurer can hardly be described as an easy or attractive job.
I am a 73-year-old Seattle native, a Capricorn, and a retired special education and math teacher. I grew up with a lot of community and not much money. I have been physically active all my live including skiing, hiking, sailing, folk dancing, and growing food.
I am a long-time local community activist. In addition, I have worked with the Sustainability Movement since it began in Seattle in the early 1990s, I am a Voluntary Simplicity advocate and participant, and I founded Seattle’s Nonviolent Peacekeeper Pool to get trained peacekeepers to demonstrations and rallies.
Norway is my home away from home. I am quite fluent in the language and a recognized expert on Norwegian folk costumes. Other interests include knitting and patchwork quilting.
I own – free and clear – the oldest house in Ballard, the Scandinavian part of Seattle. I rent out the main floor, the basement, and the cabin in the back, while Budd Dickinson (former GPUS co-chair), Jimmy the cat, and I live in the second floor apartment. The whole yard produces food, we’re a block from our local downtown, and our little 10-foot travel-trailer is in the driveway.
GNC 2002-2006, SC Co-Chair 04-06,
Finance Committee since 04,
Fundraising Committee 04-09;
GP of Washington State Coordinating Council 01-04 (Treasurer 01-03), 05-06.