Proposal On Presenting And Voting For Proposals

PRESENTER: The Communications Committee

CONTACT: Nathalie Paravicini, TX

SUBJECT: (10 words or less)

To increase efficiency by improving the process for presenting and voting for proposals


Some proposals are being sent before an effort is made at improving the wording or creating consensus prior to the general discussion and vote. Furthermore, the Coordinating Committee has already voted to use a standard format to send in proposals. The format forces presenters to give more thought to the implementation and impact of the proposal. The procedures suggested below will encourage more effective presentation and adoption of proposals.


– List of delegates to consult prior to submitting proposals SC to enforce procedures.

– Implementation of a voting webpage (underway). In the meantime, continue with voting via email.

– The Communications Committee will devise alternatives for people without access to updated technology, and will help train those who need technological mentoring.




(Combination presentation of proposals and voting procedures)


Proposals may be submitted by individual member states, co-presented by a consortium of states or by authorized committees. Suggested practices include posting a notice to the USGP-COO list announcing your state plans to offer a proposal on a specific subject, so interested delegates can participate in drafting the proposal off the USGP-COO lists-server.

Proposals shall follow the format pasted below, adopted by the former ASGP-COO (also available for download at The format forces presenters to present issues clearly, thinking of implementation and resources.

Proposals are submitted to the Steering Committee (SC).


1. Upon receiving a proposal from a state(s), complete and according to the format, the SC will:

  • Cross-check the proposal with the platform and existing procedures
  • Determine which of the co-chairs will serve as the “floor manager” for the debate and vote on the proposal.
  • Send the proposal to the Coordinating Committee with discussion and voting deadlines, and post it on the “Resolutions” or “Voting” webpage for discussion and vote.
  • Any proposal that is not clear and does not conform to the format will be sent back to the presenter for clarification.

It is the presenters’ responsibility to create consensus before presenting any proposal, and to steer the discussion and assist in drafting the final proposal sent for a vote.

2. Discussion:

For endorsements or statements requiring less than 7 days response, existing guidelines and procedures shall prevail. For other proposals:

  • Upon receiving the proposal, COO delegates will have 14 (fourteen) days or more to make comments, ask clarifying questions or propose friendly amendments.
  • The “Resolutions” or “Voting” webpage will have a bulletin board to manage the discussion (delegates may opt to continue receiving all the discussion through email, replying to the floor manager or the presenters of the proposal, until they feel comfortable with the technology.)
  • Any clarifying questions or friendly amendments should be posted on the bulletin board, directed to the primary contact listed on the proposal, or sent to the “floor manager” who will forward them to the presenters.
  • If the “floor manager,” in conjunction with the presenters, deem it necessary, this fourteen day “comment” period can be extended an additional 7 (seven) days.

3. Final draft and vote:

  • After the “comment” period, the floor manager will consult with the proponents, and resend/repost the final proposal, complete with supporting information and any friendly amendments to the USGP-COO list and “Resolutions Webpage”, to be voted upon by the Coordinating Committee.
  • Delegates will have 7 (seven) days to submit their votes.
  • A quorum shall exist when two-thirds (2/3) of member states have voted.
  • If after the 7 (seven) days it is determined that the vote has fallen three states or fewer from reaching a quorum, the Steering Committee may extend the voting period another seven days. Delegates may also request a voting extension, along with an explanation for such action, from the Steering Committee.
  • General decisions shall be passed by simple majority. Rules, bylaws, and platform issues must pass by a two-thirds majority.



(the exact order may differ sometimes)

PRESENTER: (State, Group of States or Committee)

CONTACT: Primary Presenter(s) (name, phone number, email)

SUBJECT: (10 words or less)

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: (100 words or less. To include relationship, reasons and/or justification to the Association of State Green Parties.)

TIMELINE: (Period of implementation to include a sunset clause where applicable)

IMPLEMENTATION – RESOURCES: (Where required to include personal, number of meetings, frequency of meetings, projected work hours, finances etc.)

REFERENCES: (Sources for readily obtainable materials to aid in the decision making process of voting members)