Sanda Everette, 2009 SC candidate

sanda-everetteCo-Chair, Green Party of the United States
July 12, 2008 to June 27th, 2010

I have been a Green Party member for about 12 years. I have served three, two-year terms as an elected county council member and have attended over a dozen state meetings as a delegate from my county and have served on the state credential committee twice and participated in delegate election committees four times.

I attended my first national meeting in Washington, DC as an observer. I was a nominating convention delegate at the Milwaukee presidential convention and that December ran as an alternate to the Green Party of California delegation and in May 2005 ran as a delegate. I attended annual meetings in Tulsa and Tucson and then was elected as the delegation co-chair. I have since been reelected to the delegation and as its co-chair. I ran for the Steering Committee at the Chicago meeting, with some trepidation, but was encouraged from delegates and my presidential candidate. I figured if she was that committed and could put up with all the abuse she has, I could do a small portion of that.

I am a member of the International Committee and the National Women’s Caucus, and have served as its Webmaster. The International Committee is what drew my interest in GPUS. I have connections with Greens in Italy. I am a financial sustainer at the county, state, and national level.

In the rest of my life, I was a teacher (active in my union at the local, state, and national level—but I just retired July 2009). I am a permaculture designer, political/social activist since the 70’s, and co-creator of the San Mateo Ecovillage. I think of myself as a planetary citizen, love to travel, and am fortunate that my husband works for United Airlines; I get to fly stand-by when there is an empty seat.