Dear State Party Leaders:
We cordially invite you to please complete the following survey.
We are hoping that together we can turn a new leaf towards building a stronger and bigger Green party at all possible levels. This survey aims to serve that purpose.
One of the first steps towards building our party is establishing an effective working relationship between our State Parties and the National GPUS leadership. We know we can’t do this without your direct participation. It is you who best understands the present structural and political conditions of your own party. It is also you, our leaders in the states’ frontlines, that know, first hand, the value of collaboration and resource sharing in building the powerful and unified Green Party our ailing nation so desperately needs. Therefore, we truly believe that your educated and sincere answers to this survey will prove an invaluable contribution towards our collective organizing and party-building objectives.
We understand how valuable your time is, and thank you in advance for your participation. We plan to follow up with you directly once the survey is completed to further explore the results. Please feel free to contact us directly if you have any questions.
Adrian Boutureira
National Political Organizer, GPUS
Darlene Elias
Steering Committee-Outreach Committee Liaison, GPUS