Travel Policy

Travel Policy – Green Party of the United States, Revision #2

During the 2003 budget approval process there were reasonable concerns expressed regarding the disbursal of budgeted travel funds. This policy will provide guidelines, procedure and definition for committees and Party members regarding disbursal of budgeted travel funds.

Steering Committee of the Green Party of the United States

Jo Chamberlain, California

Jo Chamberlain, California

Until changed by the Coordinating Council

None beyond the travel funds approved in the annual budget.



It is the policy of the Green Party of the United States (USGP) to pay actual and necessary expenses incurred by authorized Party members and employees when they travel outside their city of residency while conducting official business for USGP.

All travel by Party members and employees must be approved by the committee on which the person serves or for employees by their supervisor(s). Committees should not expect USGP to pay for all committee members to attend events.

It is not the intention of USGP to pay for delegates or committee members travel to and from the annual meetings and conventions. The delegate and committee members should look to their state party for assistance.

Per the Fiscal Policy on expenditures all travel expenditures must be approved by the Treasurer prior to commitment of any funds.

In the case of Steering Committee (SC) members each receives an equal amount of travel funds at the beginning of each budget year. If a SC member’s travel exceeds the budgeted amount the SC can vote to disburse discretionary travel funds for a one-time allocation to that member for a specific activity. Travel expenditures by each SC member will be limited by the amount of funds in their travel account. A SC member may transfer funds from their own account to that of authorized use for a portion of their allocation to another SC member if authorized by a vote the SC.

The Treasurer will provided periodic updates of travel expenses for committees and Steering Committee members. All committees and SC members are advised to keep track of their spending.

Reimbursable travel expenses will include but not be limited to:registration fees, lodging, transportation, meals and a child care allowance. The reimbursable amount for mileage and food will be paid as determined by the Internal Revenue Service for business travel. For example in 2002 mileage was on average $.365 per mile. See: for details prior to travel.

Every effort must be taken to purchase the least expensive travel. This may include staying over on a Saturday night by some airlines. The least expensive *class* ticket must be purchased. Purchase tickets well in advance for best price. When possible negotiate for a exception for refund and flight changes with airlines.

When selecting lodging the least expensive union facilities will be given first choice. If a union facility is not available then the least expensive guideline applies. In all cases members should select lodging where they feel safe and comfortable.

At the point where the USGP has contracted with a travel agency, all travel will be scheduled through that agency.

Party members who require advances before traveling must request the funds in a timely manner from the Treasurer.

All authorized travel by party members and employees will bereimbursed for all reasonable and necessary expenses upon presentation of receipts, paid bills, etc.

All reimbursable travel must be reconciled with receipts within 30 days of reimbursable travel.

Prohibited travel expenses:

  • Travel by family or companions, except expenses for child care, meals or other expenses incurred prior to or after the end of the official travel with the exception of meals while traveling directly to and from activities.
  • Parties and entertainment that are not sponsored by USGP.
  • Portions of official travel hosted or paid by others.
  • Mileage traveled using a personal vehicle while not on official travel status.

Guest travel
The party may host guests in their official capacity who require travel funds. The SC will vote to approve funds from the discretionary travel funds prior to extending the invitation. The proposal for such funds will include the name of the guest, the official purpose of the travel, itinerary, and a not-to-exceed amount.
