April 24, 2022

Green Party US – Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

Date: Sunday, April 24, 2022, Time: 8:00 pm ET

  • Setup and Background

    1. Facilitator: Margaret Elisabeth
    2. Steering Committee Roll Call:
      1. Margaret Elisabeth (co-chair) – present
      2. Ahmed Eltouny (co-chair) – present (late)
      3. Rei Stone-Grover (co-chair) – present
      4. Anita Rios (co-chair) – present
      5. Chris Stella (co-chair) – present
      6. Garrett Wasserman (co-chair) – absent
      7. Tamar Yager (co-chair) – present
      8. Kristin Combs (secretary) – present
      9. Hillary Kane (treasurer) – present
    3. Observers: Lizzie Adams (FL), Diana Brown (CA), David Gerry (MA), Holly Hart (IA), John Krause (LA), Gloria Mattera (NY), Starlene Rankin (NWC)
    4. Establish Quorum (9 current members, 7 present, quorum is 5) – MET
    5. Approve Agenda – CONSENSUS
  • New Business

    1. ANM Plenary (TY)

2022 – DRAFT Shortened ANM Workshops Schedule

  1. Sunday Phonebank Captains (KC)

Action: Email KC if you’re able to captain Sunday phone banks

  • Old Business

    1. Extend Platform Timeline (KC)

Proposal: Approve the proposal for Amend Timeline for Consideration of Platform Amendments for submission to the NC. – CONSENSUS

  • Standing Business

    1. Follow-up on Action Items
      1. David Doonan to get platform submissions on wordpress (HK)

Platcom working with Doonan to get these on wordpress

  1. Send MOU for signing to Susan/Cameron/ME (KC) – DONE
  2. David Doonan will grant necessary access to voting software (HK)
  3. Have staff prioritize text blast reconciliation with NB (KC)

Will discuss at staff meeting Thursday

  1. Reports
    1. Secretary (KC) – NC updates for NM, VA
    2. Treasurer (HK) – $2800 in checking, $84000 total cash on hand
    3. Fundraising (TY) – 2022 ytd Fundraising income.xlsx
    4. Staff (KC/HK/TY) – holiday updates
    5. ME: BAC (ME) – IN is suing for ballot access, libertarians are suing in IA to extend timeline
    6. DRC (ME) – missed most recent meeting
    7. CCC (AE) – webinars in May, new election, ANM workshop
    8. IC (AE) – proposal to NC to disaffiliate from FPVA, co-chair resigned
    9. Fundcom (RSG) – eblasts going out
    10. Outreach (RSG) – helping with Matt Hoh fundraiser
    11. ANMC (AR) – There is discussion of having an abbreviated meeting. I will forward the link for the draft schedule, not with specific workshops just the times. It was suggested that Richard Winger be during the time slot for the plenary.
    12. Ecoaction (AR) – Doing Earth Day to May day events.
    13. CS: 220424 ARC, BRPP, Platcom.docx
    14. Media (TY) – Diana Brown was the only nominee for co-chair position.  Elections are going on right now to confirm that. 4-13-22 Min – MediaCom
    15. Merch (TY) – DaveO uncovered some over-charges from shipping and handling and we have received over $600 in refunds and credits.
  • Voting Queue

    1. Received for Queue

Proposal: Move forward with the findings process for all four submissions – CONSENSUS

  1. SUBMITTED: GPUS to Withdraw from the FPVA

NOTE: Observers Diana Brown and John Krause have requested to speak on this item

Presenter: International Committee

Floor Manager (tentative): Rei Stone-Grover

Stage: Findings

  1. SUBMITTED: 2022 CCC Election – women

Presenter: Steering Committee

Floor Manager (tentative): Anita Rios

Stage: Findings

  1. SUBMITTED: 2022 CCC Election – not women

Presenter: Steering Committee

Floor Manager (tentative): Tamar Yager

Stage: Findings

  1. SUBMITTED: Amend Timeline for Consideration of Platform Amendments

Presenter: Steering Committee

Floor Manager (tentative): Margaret Elisabeth

Stage: Findings