September 25, 2022

Green Party US Steering Committee Meeting Agenda


Sunday, September 25, 2022

8pm ET/5pm PT


Facilitator: Tony Ndege

Time Keeper: ________

Minutes: Brian Cooke, Secretary


Steering Committee

Margaret Elisabeth, Co-Chair

Ahmed Eltouny, Co-Chair

Rei Stone-Grover, Co-Chair

Tony Ndege, Co-Chair

Chris Stella, Co-Chair

Garret Wassermann, Co-Chair

Tamar Yager, Co-Chair

Diana C. Brown, Treasurer

Brian Cooke, Secretary



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The shortcut keystroke is Alt+Y.


  1. Rollcall (3 min)
    1. Steering Committee
    2. Observers present for recording (please remain muted and do not use chat feature)
  2. Establish Quorum (1 min)

(9 current members, quorum is 5): ME,BC,TY,TN,DCB,CS Observers: Cassandra Lems, Starlene Rankins, Philena Farley, Sandy Przybylak, David Gerry

  1. Approve Minutes from September 11, 2022 (1 min)

  2. Approve Agenda (changes require majority, new items require ⅔) (1 min)

  3. Discussion Items (5 min each/41 min)
    1. Staff tasks (DCB)

Discussing with staff to focus on community outreach. Checking for broken links, need volunteers. New highlight for new Greens, highlighting state parties and ability to volunteer. Highlight officeholders. Clarification of 4 day work week hours. Thoughts on interns. Con: Disadvantages workers. Pro: Brings in younger Greens

  1. NC proposal recess (DCB)

NC delegates and Ohio delegate have proposed a recess. NC started that discussion.

  1. Green Party response to Jackson Water Crisis (REPORT ONLY- 1 min) (DCB) Media co chair contacted, SC wants to work on a petition.

  2. Pairlist has discontinued updates/Considering switch to Loomio (DCB)

2 options, Loomio has a 30 day trial of the product. Going to start inviting committees. Green Geeks: Windmill powered server/ used by Matt Hoh campaign.

  1. Media Liaison Update (DCB)

Update needs new liaison. May not require a liaison. Voted no need for liaison.

  1. Strategic Plan Update (DCB)



  1. Action Items (2 minutes each/ 1 at 10 minutes/20 min)

    1. Co-Chair liaison responsibilities (DCB)

Modify to send to NC and discuss in greater detail.

  1. Secretary responsibilities (DCB)

Discuss further.

  1. FundCom / Steering communications (RSG)

 Wait for sponsor next meeting.

  1. Voting Software (ME)

No update.

  1. Update Steering Meeting Time Length and Meeting Procedures (GW)

Wait for sponsor

  1. Forum Manager Vacancies (GW)

Only one person has applied. Deadline is up. Oct. 12th extension for new applicants.

  1. Staff Notifications

Moved to SC listserv

  1. Certification of 2022 SC Co-chair & Treasurer Elections

Bugs were found, and did not have any effect on votes.Vote certified. Moved to NC.

  1. Statement on Cuba: Natcom email and tabled.

  2. Online:

    1. Updated Mailer and Phonebanking Proposal (TN)
      APPROVED: Yes – TN, GW, RSG, CS | No – AE, TY, ME

    2. Communications Manager Lay Off  (DCB)
      APPROVED: Yes: AE, RSG, CS, GW, DCB, BC, TN | No: TY, ME

    3. Communications Manager Compensation

Approved: Yes: DCB, RSG, GW, BC, TY, TN, ME, CS | No: AE


  1. Reports (2 min each/22 min)

    1. Fundraising: 2022 YTD Fundraising Report (TY)

Who is generating the report? More communication with Fincom, information is online for committee and caucuses.

  1. Staff (RSG, TN, TY)

Questions about the grievance. Need a better notification process to staff.

  1. Secretary (BC)

Updated NY delegation.

  1. Treasurer: 2022 Budget & Expenses (DCB)

Largest expenses staff and server. Maintaining consistent income. Monthly reports available for committee and caucuses.

  1. ME: FundCom, BMRC, Diversity BMRC:

 Need better understanding on monetary policy for the GP. Diversity: No report. FundCom meeting will be tomorrow.


  2. RSG: AC, BAC, Outreach

  3. TN: EcoAction, FinCom, PCSC FinCom:

Voted for bimonthly meeting. Oct 5th next meeting. PCSC next meeting Sept. 29th 8pm.

  1. CS: AnimalRights, DRC, CCC

  2. GW: PlatCom, ApRevCom, BRPP, Green Pages

  3. TY: ETC, Merch


  1. IN THE VOTING QUEUE (2 min)

    1. 1091: 2022 Platform Amendment: Chapter II, Section J Immigration, Path to Citizenship

    2. 1092:  2022 Platform Amendment: Chapter II, Section A,5,3, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

    3. 1093: 2022 Platform Amendment: Chapter II, Section A Civil Rights and Equal Rights, 8 Youth Rights

    4. 1094: 2022 Platform Amendment: Chapter II, Section E Education and the Arts, 1 Education, plank ad

    5. In Discussion

~1095: 2022 Platform Amendment: Chapter II, Section F Health Care, new Informed Consent

~1096: 2022 Platform Amendment: Chapter II, Section G Labor, 2f Living Wage

~1097: 2022 Platform Amendment: Chapter II, Section G Labor, 8 Reduced Work Week

~1098:2022 Platform Amendment: Chapter II, Section H Criminal Justice, 4 add Legalize Psilocybin

~1099: 2022 Platform Amendment: Chapter II, Section H Criminal Justice, 5 add Community Control of Police


Proposal: Halt GPUS Restructuring Findings process. TN: 1. Not clear, needs clarification. Section 6-5. 2. A: needs clarification. 3 B: Violates bylaws, needs clarification. ME/TY: Object all three. 1. Passes 4-2   2. 4-2 passes 3. 4-2 passes

  1. 4-2 Yes: DCB,CS,TN,BC  No: TY, ME

  2. 4-2 Yes: DCB,CS,TN,BC  No: TY, ME

  3. 4-2 Yes: DCB,CS,TN,BC  No: TY, ME


  1. Executive Session


  1. None


Meeting Adjourned 9:57pm


TOTAL TIME: 1 hour and 57 minutes.