February 8, 2015

a) Facilitator – Jody Grage
b) Roll Call – Karen Young, Tamar Yager, Starlene Rankin, Jesse Townley, Budd Dickinson, Audrey Clement, Darryl! Moch
Absent: Jeff Turner, Charles Ostdiek
c) Agenda revisions – ANM – more time; executive session – less time.


a) Committee Discussion – re-organizing the way SC relates to committees and recommendations for combining, eliminating or changing their status.

Recommendations for more effective committees – liaisons would be involved with goals, progress, training.

Darryl! – PlatCom cannot even correct typos and formatting issues on its own. Suggestions made to eliminate/combine committees. Major revision of bylaws would be required. SC co-chairs need to commit to working with committee co-chairs within portfolio system.

Vote on grouped portfolio system or reworking the committees first. To work on the portfolio system first – Karen, Budd, Starlene, Jesse, and Audrey; for committee rework first – Darryl!; Tamar abstained.

Next steps: sub-committee – Karen, Darryl!, Jeff, Budd.

b) 2015 ANM Schedule- Tamar
Thursday will be a travel day with SC meet-and-greet happy hour in the evening. Suggestion of a welcome lounge for informal networking, exhibits, tabling, etc.


a) Treasurer’s Report – Written report from Jeff. $15,675 in 2 general funds; $7270 in reserve account. Our only debt is to Macalester College for $7000.

b) Fundraising Report – committee written letter nearly finished to go out first week in March.

c) Finance Items for decision: none


In the queue: CCC Election – Voting begins next Sunday; bios are included with links.
CCC is hoping to have some more members appointed by the SC.

Received for the Queue: None

e) Liaison Reports
Karen – Outreach – Post cards and general brochure are being designed with help from Julia
Hammet NV and Daniel Lee WA.
CCC – Electoral strategy call went well and coalesced around an issue-based strategy. It was
suggested that two main issues for each of the four pillars be determined in consultation
with candidates, etc.
Darryl! – BRPP has elected Holly Hart as the second co-chair; House and Senate Committees – no activity; Diversity – emails going to Starlene who is a member; DRC – no requests for dispute resolution.


a) Designate an Acting GPUS Spokesperson
SC came to consensus to delegate its spokesperson authority to Darryl! Moch as acting
spokesperson –

b) Approve Website RFP
Karen worked with David Doonan on RFP sent to SC. The timeline has the RFP released tomorrow and final delivery on 6/1/15. NationBuilder experience is required.

Amended to encourage minority and female applicants.

SC approved by consensus.

c) Endorse Unplug Nuclear Power Direct Action
Starlene will write a proposal for the 3-14 day response schedule.

d) Discussion of developing a few services for state parties and caucuses.
Jesse and Darryl! will develop this idea. The membership list from the DRC can be used to come up with a list of mediators that can include SC members.

V. EXECUTIVE SESSION – Personnel (no decisions).

Budd Dickinson
National Committee Discussion Forum: